<BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/plains/7077/mid/bowcon.mid" loop=5>
"Rainbow Connection"

Rainbows I Have Seen !!

Rainbowseeker's Place of Peace!

This page contains a random list of Rainbows that I have seen...

My definition of a rainbow is anything that is sent from God, quite often created through our hearts, bringing beauty, love, joy, peace or just a general overall feeling of well-being to the recipient, the RainbowCreator or others. These rainbows may be awe inspiring or may be everyday occurrences that make a positive difference in this world and the lives of others.

First BlueBonnet of the season in San Antonio.

A young person who took the time to help strangers fix a flat tire.

Little Puppy Chasing Butterflies......

Lady Bug sunbathing on a blade of grass.

Thunder & Lightning Storms!

Oprah's Book Club!

Young Person with a leg brace, walking behind her wheelchair!

Letter from a Friend!

Picture Postcards from Friends Around the World!

Odometer Reading of 200,000!

Aftermath of Recent Floods, Strangers helping Friends!

Forrest Gump!

A Real Natural Rainbow in the South West Sky over San Antonio.


Christopher Reed Site (with links to others)

To Be Continued....

RainbowSeeker's Bio!

© 1998 rainbowseeker@oocities.com
Up-dated 12 January 2002

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