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Welcome to my environmentally friendly site,
Conveying my environmental concerns,
Lending a hand to make our future look bright ,
Through the spirit deep within that steadily burns.

Read my opinion regarding our Earth's state,
Which has driven me to create all these pages,
Hoping that I'll be heard in the worldwide debate,
Preserving nature that God entrusted us for ages.

Definitions of environmental terms,
Most of the common ones which you have heard,
Next the evolutions and axioms,
Of reptiles, mammals and birds.

Study this table of endangered species,
With a picture and description for each of them,
We need to bring their silent perishing to a freeze,
Live in harmony with creatures, cease the problem!

Discover why there is air and water pollution,
How they have contributed to Earth's destruction,
Ways to overcome them and the haze,
Shall mankind realize and come out of their daze.

Behold the awards this site has received,
Thanks, those who gave them out, gratefully perceived,
Building acquaintance with the web rings I joined,
People with themed sites, similar to mine.

Scan my categorized mega-page of links,
CNN to Polygram, an experience you shan't fret,
Tons of sites, all hand-picked for safe viewings,
Add a link from some nook and cranny on the Net.

Just before you depart,
Let me know you were here,
Sign my guestbook from your heart,
Leave me grinning from ear to ear.

Criticism, comments and suggestions,
Send me feedback via this form or by email,
Important for me to review your impressions,
To improve on my site from head to tail.

Hope you'll cruise through, having a memorable visit,
Drop by often, see updates bit by bit,
May I get the message through loud and clear,
Your awareness and noble actions a crave,
Our world's future may we pave,
Green contributions, however small I treasure.

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