Osel Dorje Nyingpo Defined
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In [the Nyingmapa tradition, Samantabhadra (the Buddha-Body of Reality)] is explained in accordance with the uncommon transmission of the Indestructible Nucleus of Inner Radiance112 (Osel Dorje Nyingpo), supreme and unsurpassed among the vehicles, that pristine cognition itself, or intrinsic awareness, is liberated right where it is through having recognised its nature as Samantabhadra to be self-manifesting — at the very moment when the ground arises as phenomena from the primordial ground. Samantabhadra is the teacher in whom both samsara and nirvana are indivisible, the antecedent of all, who holds sway over existence and quiescence in their entirety, and who is the expanse of reality and the nucleus of the sugata. Thus buddhahood is attained in the naturally present pristine cognition, without thoughts of the three times, beginning, middle, and end, or of all else that can be known.

Note 112: The Indestructible Nucleus of Inner Radiance ('od-gsal rdo-rje snying-po, Sanskrit Prabhasvaravajragarbha) is the dimension or buddha-field of the buddha-body of reality, Samantabhadra, which cannot be limited in space and time. The teachings of the Great Perfection [Dzogchen] which pertain to this level are referred to as the vehicle of the Indestructible Nucleus of Inner Radiance.
His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche
Excerpted from
The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Volume One, Book One, Part Two, pg. 116

the section called
An Abridged Definitive Ordering of the Nyingma Teaching,
the Ancient Translation School of Secret Mantra,
entitled Feast in which Eloquence Appears

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