The Kerosene Hat

History of The Kerosene Hat

The Kerosene hat came about probably in the early 1800's but no one really knew it at the time. The kerosene hat is an odd idea and object but can be used for numerous things. One might use it for reading or for walking your dog at night and others may use it for camping or as a bike light. Just what is this Kerosene Hat thing you are probably wondering aren't you, or maybe your not? Well either way I will tell you what I and only I think it might be.

The Kerosene hat is something that you would wear on your head as a conversation piece or a party favor and maybe even as jewelry. The Kerosene Hat can be used for reading at night, all you have to do is light it up and throw it on your old noggin and there you have the Kerosene Hat. The Kerosene hat came about to help people see in the dark and free there hands to do other things more important. It can be filled of course with Kerosene and also gasoline or any other combustible component. This is not dangerous unless you were to doze off and light the bed or your mate on fire. It comes in different sizes and shapes to fit that particular persons needs or requirements. You may also make your own Kerosene Hat out of things around the house, I might add an how-to page later in time but it is not for certain.

The Kerosene Hat does wonderful things for you and others around you. If you ever stopped to help someone stranded on the side of the road at night you could throw on your Kerosene hat and help that person hands free. They would think your kind of strange but that's ok because they don't know the power and advantages the Kerosene Hat has to offer. In due time everyone will have one and then we can all finally understand what I am preaching. Just picture a little canister on top of your favorite hat that will burn for hour's and never leave you stranded the in dark looking for a candle or a flashlight. This little guy weighs approximately 1 pound and if your neck is not strong enough to handle that then you will need to get on a program. This will be the next biggest thing since the Flobi or the Braidini and maybe even bigger than the Topsi Tail (one could only dream).

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