Chapter 27: More Problems

As she lay there and sob, August thought for awhile.

"What have I done to deserve this?!" she said aloud.
"You didn't do anything Aug." said Lindsay, who had just entered the room.

August looked up and shook her head.

"I'm sorry about the phone Linz. I didn't know it was you."
"I know. Its ok. Come here."

August got off the bed. Lindsay gave her a hug.

"Thank you for coming."
"Hey, don't worry about it."
"Hey, do you think you could spend the night?"
"Yea, probably. Want me to call and ask?"

Lindsay sat on August's bed and dialed her house. She briefly talked to her mom, and eventually hung up.

"Ok. I can spend the night."
"Ok. Cool. I'm gonna go make sure its ok."

Lindsay laughed.


August walked out of the room and upstairs to find her parents.

"Mom?" she called once she got to the top of the stairs.
"In here." Came the reply.

August walked towards the voice, which was coming from the kitchen. She poked her head into the room.

"Hi honey, whats up?" her mom said without turning around.
"Mom, can Lindsay spend the night?"
"Lindsay...oh, the girl at the door?"
"Sure, that's fine, if its ok with her parents."
"It is."
"Ok, then its fine with me."
"Ok, thanks mom."
"You're welcome."

August walked back to the basement, and down the stairs.

"Yea, she said it was alright."
"Ok, cool. I'll be back in 10 minutes, ok? I gotta get my stuff."
"Ok. I'll be here."
"Yea, I know you will be."

The girls smiled and Lindsay left.

***In New York***

"Who are you calling Tay?" asked Isaac as he walked into the room to find Taylor sitting by the phone, the receiver in his hand and an angry look on his face.
"And whats wrong?"
"I just tried to call August."
"And...? what happened?"
"She hung up on me."
"She's mad at me."
"Because I bit her head off."
"Gosh Tay. You like doing that to her, don't you?"
"No Ike. I don't."
"Then why do you always do it?"
"She deserves it."
"What? Did I just hear that correctly? Why does she deserve it?"
"She's annoying."
"She won't leave me alone."
"Tay. She hasn't talked to you in awhile."
"I talked to her earlier tonight."
"When I was online."
"And what did she say that was so annoying?"
"The window is still on the screen. Look for yourself."

Isaac walked over to where the laptop was set on the table. He scanned the conversation and called Zac into the room. Zac came running.

"Tay. I don't see where you get the whole thing about her being annoying." said Isaac.
"She kept asking a question. The same one over and over." snapped Taylor.

Zac walked to the computer and read the conversation. He stood next to Isaac.

"Yea Tay. She was being annoying." said Zac, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Thank you Zac."
"I wasn't being serious Tay. Its called sarcasm."
"Tay. She wanted to know what was wrong, and you wouldn't tell her. Whats wrong with you man? And how did I come into this conversation in the first place?" asked Zac.
"I wanted to know how she knew we were coming home. She said that you told her. That figures." he replied, accusingly.
"Whats that supposed to mean Tay?" replied Zac, glaring.
"You know exactly what it means Zac."
"No Tay, I don't. Why don't you enlighten me." remarked Zac, teeth clenched.
"You're butting in on my girlfriend."
"She's not your girlfriend Tay. Remember? She's my friend. I don't want her hurt, so I'm there for her. That's not a crime, now is it? And if you actually cared, she still likes you, but your ego is hurt too bad to realize that you've got a great girl that still loves you."
"Whatever Zac. Just shut up. You don't know what you're talking about."
"No. I won't Taylor. I know what I'm talking about and I wish you would see that I actually know what I'm talking about most of the time. You're the only one that won't listen. Ike listens to me. Why won't you? Because you're "Taylor Hanson, look at me, everyone must worship." You gave up a great girl Tay. She liked you for who you were, before the record deal, before Hanson, before all the hype, and everything else. She's been your friend since you were born Taylor. Since you were born!!! And you're just going to throw all that away. You don't deserve her Taylor. She shouldn't have to put up with you. But she wants to. She still loves you. She still loves you." he whispered the last line, and ran out of the room.

Taylor and Isaac just stared. They had never heard Zac talk like that. But he was right, and Taylor knew it.

"Ike, why am I so stupid?"
"I dunno Tay."
"Can you go talk to him, and maybe call August for me?"
"Sure little bro, but you owe me."
"Yea, I know. Big time."
"Yup." said Isaac as he walked out of the room.

Isaac went to find Zac. He looked in the kitchen. Not there. He looked in the common room Not there either. He heard a cough come from the bedroom, he walked towards it. He poked his head into the door to find Zac laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Isaac looked up.

"Whats so interesting about the ceiling buddy?"

Zac looked over at the door.

"Why does Taylor always have to be such a jerk?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, he's always a jerk when he doesn't get what he wants. He gets pissed at you first for helping August out of the mall that one time. It took him a week to get over that. Then this. All I'm trying to do is help. Is that so bad?"
"No Zac. Its not. Its good that you want to help August. She probably appreciates it a lot."
"I hope so. Ike. She's one of my best friends. What does Tay expect me to do when she almost dies?! Does he expect me to laugh it off? And if she's crying, does he expect me to blow her off? Why can't he understand that we're just friends?"
"I don't know Zac. I seriously don't know."
"Neither do I. He doesn't listen to me. He refuses to. Whether it be relating to the band and how fast we go, or whether its about anything else. He considers a little kid that doesn't know what he's talking about."
"I know Zac. I know. He should listen, because, I hate to say it, but you're smart."
"Hey! That was mean!" laughed Zac.
"Don't worry about Taylor. He feels bad. He feels guilty for snapping at you, and hurting August. He's totally in love with her. And I know that she feels the same. But he just refuses to believe it."
"Why though?"
"I don't know."
"Do you think that they would get back together?"
"Don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

***Back in Tulsa***

"Ok, so let me get this straight." questioned Lindsay.
"His ego was getting too big, so you wanted to go home. You left him a note and left. He came after you. You had a fight, you ran off, Zac followed you. Reporters hounded you, Zac came to help, and a reporter told him off, not knowing who he was. Diana scheduled another flight, you got on and came home, only to find out that the first plane crashed. You call to tell Zac, and Tay won't give him the phone and gives him a hard time. Zac finds out and runs off, crying, Tay and Ike follow, and the news crew gets tipped. Its all over the news. Then you talk to Tay online, he snaps at you for caring, and you back off. He calls to apologize, and you hang up on him. Then I call, and you think its him. That's when I came over. Is that it?"
"Yea, and I'm on TV every time I actually turn it on. Which seriously sucks. People think that me and Tay are still together. As much as I wish it were true, its not."

Lindsay was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. August gave a questioning look, Lindsay shrugged her shoulders. August climbed over her bead and picked up the phone.

"Hey buddy."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm ok, except for the incident earlier."
"Yea, I heard about that. Tay was way out of line, and he shouldn't have done that, but that doesn't make you feel any better, now does it?"
"Not especially."
"August...can I ask you something?"
"Sure Zac, ask away."
"Ok. Do you still love Taylor?"

August sucked in a deep breath and glanced to Lindsay. She sighed.

"You know what Zac? I don't know. After all that happened, I thought I did. But the more I think about it, and the more he insults me and pushes me away, the less I like him. So for the time being, I truthfully don't know."
"You ok Zac?"
"Yea, I guess."
"Whats wrong. And don't you blow me off too, cuz I can hurt you!" joked August.
"Ah! You can't do that!" he laughed.
"Ok, out with it. Now."
"Ok. You and Tay are two of my three best friends. I don't want to see either of you hurt. Tay feels bad for everything, but that doesn't make it right. He still loves you. I'm positive of that. And I know what he said was terrible, and probably would ruin everything. I just want you to know that he's sorry. Would you give him another chance?"
"Gosh Zac, I really don't know. I would really have to think about that. I would love to get back with him, but how do I know that this won't happen again? I need to think about it, ok?"
"Sure, think all you want."
"Thanks Zac."
"You're welcome."
"Hey Zac, I have to go. Lindsay's over."
"Lindsay. Like, Lindsay from when you got hurt?"
"Yep, that's her."
"HI LINDSAY!!" he screamed.

August pulled the phone away from her ear quickly. Lindsay laughed.

"Hi Zac!!" called Lindsay.
"Zac. I thought I told you not to do that."
"I know you did, but I couldn't help it. Sorry."
"Its ok, just remember next time. I'll talk to you later."
"Ok, bye."

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