Chapter 46: Old and New Flames

Zac just stood there, on the top of the stairs, gripping the railing. He was trying to catch his breath from running up the stairs. He looked from face to face. He watched the girls as they stared at him with curious looks on their faces. He made a frightened face and tried to talk.

" broke a drumstick, I need to go get another one." he stuttered as he rushed out the front door.

The girls looked at each other in confusion. Ellie sunk down in her chair and pulled her knees to her chest.

"Did I do something wrong?"

August jumped out of her chair and rushed to Ellie.

"Ell, you did nothing wrong, I'm sure of it, ok? Don't worry about it."
"I just wish he would just ask me."
"I know you do, but you have to be patient." reminded Leigh.

Ellie nodded. She silently prayed that August was right.

"Hey, do you want to see my room?" suggested Lindsay.
"Sure!" came the replies.

The girls walked to the next flight of stairs and Lindsay led them up to her room. She opened the door and revealed a light blue room. Everyone walked in and found places to sit. Ellie looked around. She noticed a picture on the wall with a bunch of kids in it.

"Hey Linds, who are all these people?"

Lindsay looked up to answer.

"Oh, those are a bunch of my friends and cousins. With the last name Harper and my mom having the last name of Higgins, I'm related to a ton of people in this town. I've got a cousin thats around your age Ell, she's not in that, this is a picture of her."

Lindsay handed her a school picture. The girl in the picture had soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"She's really pretty."

Lindsay nodded.

"She's really nice too. She's in Europe with her mom right now. She's coming back to go to school. She's supposed to visit me some time soon. Her mom is getting married."
"Cool." whispered Ellie.
"I remember when my dad got remarried. Me and Brad had a hard time with it, but I really like Jen. She's like a big sister to me. Brad likes her too as far as I know." Ellie smiled.
"Thats cool. How old is your brother?"
"He's 16."
"Cool. Do you get to see your mom much?"

Ellie looked at the floor.

"No. She died when I was in the 3rd grade from leukemia."
"Oh, hun, I'm so sorry!!!" exclaimed Lindsay.
"Hey, don't worry about it, you didn't know." Ellie gave a small smile.

Lindsay smiled.

"Hey, how about we go and have some of that pizza before the guys eat it all!" suggested Amy.

The girls followed, single file down the stairs and were happily greeted with pizza remaining. Without anyone noticing, Taylor slipped up the stairs and outside. About 15 minutes had passed since Zac's departure.

Zac picked up a rock and threw it into the lake. He watched it skip on the water before it finally sank. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He hung his head and then let it fall into his hands.

"Mind if I join you?"

Zac glanced behind him and then back at the lake.

"Sure Tay."

Taylor took a seat next to him.

"I thought I might find you here. Whats wrong buddy?" he asked.

Zac shrugged.

"I think I did something wrong." he whispered.

His head fell into his hands again.

"I've never done anything like this before Tay, I'm so afraid of screwing up."
"Screwing what up Zac?"

Zac sighed.

"Everything with Ellie. I'm scared Tay."
"Did you ask her out?"

Zac looked Taylor in the eyes and shook his head slowly.

"I'm too scared Tay."

Taylor gently rested his hand on Zac's shoulder.

"Scared about what Zac?"

Zac glanced at Taylor uncertainly, and cleared his throat.

"I'm too scared from what happened with.........Scout Higgins....."

Zac then realized that he hadn't told his brothers that he had asked Scout Higgins out and had been turnned down. Taylor gave Zac a curious look.

"What happened with Scout Zac?"

Zac cleared his throat and his head fell into his hands.

"Don't you too hate each other?"

Zac scowled.

"No we don't." he muttered.
"Well, thats sure what it seems like dude." replied Taylor.
"I know. But we don't hate each other, or at least I don't hate her and hopefully she doesn't hate me."
"Ok, Zac, what happened with you and Scout?"

Zac sighed.

"Well. Awhile ago, I asked Scout out...."
"What?! Does Ike know about this?!"

Zac bit his lip and shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to. She said no Tay. She laughed in my face, in front of all her friends. She embarrassed me Tay. She laughed in my face."

Taylor was taken aback by this.

"Um, Zac. I'm really sorry. I didn't know about that."
"I know. I didn't tell you guys b'cuz I figured you would laugh at me just like her."
"Why would we do that?"
"I don't know Tay....I....I just didn't want to risk that happening."
"Ok, I understand. And you don't want to ask Ellie out because......why?"

Zac looked at Taylor.

"I don't want that to happen again."

Taylor and Zac sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Its not going to happen again Zac."
"But theres no guarantee Tay!"

Silence again.

"I know. You just have to go with what your heart tells you to do."
"Yea, I know. I want to, but I don't want to. This is all way too confusing!"
"Zac. You have to take a chance once in awhile. If you really like Ellie, you'd ask her out. Right now."
"I know Tay. I know. But the whole thing with Scout...."

Taylor watched his brother for awhile before realizing something.

"Oh my gosh still like Scout, don't you?"

Zac gave a sideways glance and slowly nodded.

"She's the first girl I really liked and the first one I thought liked me back. I'm never gonna get over that Tay."

Taylor nodded. He resumed watching the lake, throwing an occasional rock into the water.

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