IRC Channel and User Modes

How to control your IRC environment

Update since Feb 25th, 1998. 1454 EST
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Hello welcome to the IRC Modes page. The modes in IRC help the user to navigate around the IRC environment.


+o Means IRCop status. Only IRCop can have this status. These people have the ability to kill users off the server. they are differnet from IRC ops on channels.
+i Means User is invisible. Meaning when someone does a /name #channel outside of that channel. Your Nick will not appear on the list with the rest of the nicks. Unless you're in the same channel. This mode will hide you from other people when they list a /who. The only way someone can find you is when they know your nick
+s Means the User will recieve server notices. This is all the technical stuff that happens behind IRC. I really don't use this mode because it floods the screen with msgs of the tech. trying to get netsplit fixed and net crashes up.
+w Mean the User will recieve /Wallops. Wallops are used to send msges to every IRCop in the Net at once. I use this mode to find out who's hacking what in the net. People wallop the IRCops to help them after their channel was hacked ops and over or got kick off. Usually IRCops don't get involved with channel conflicts.
To Change your IRC User mode type:
To add: /mode nick_name +i +w
To remove: /mode nick_name -i

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