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Challenge Adrian!

Commissions - Projects welcome.
Talk to Adrian, tell him what you want and challenge him to come up with an exciting way of fullfilling the childrens needs. Where ever there are educational needs, lively, imaginative performance poetry makes a difference. With most of the projects you can get a full CD Rom of follow up activities which means a whole school can be involved.

Mix and match
Many schools prefer two different sessions in a day such as - IE Vikings with one group in the morning and Ancient Egypt in the afternoon with another.

Performance Skills
Boston Spa Comprehensive recently invited Adrian, through CAPE UK to encourage performance skills and public speaking. Following a performance each session’s group worked using Adrian’s poems as models and delivered a performance for the whole year. From rap to medieval markets. Several of Adrian’s poems were drawn from their project work, utilising their writings.

Work with different groups all day and finish with them all performing.

Adrinskald the Viking - recently appeared at St Mary’s Primary and worked with one year 3 class for the full day. The pick n mix menu of stories, drama, writing, poetry and interaction has more than enough material on it for a few days worth of activities. The kids were great and cheered me off at the end” No wonder you want to take his photo, he is really cool” (A comment from one ten year old.)

Toys And Puppets - Toys Through Time - Toys of the World - George and the Dragon. Recently commissioned for a school in Leeds I worked with three classes. More Details on Toys and Puppets. Check out Adrian's Project List

Letters and Poems from Children

I have many wonderful letters from school children and a disc full of poems they have written either to send me or from sessions together with myself and Sharon Emery. So when it was suggested that I create this new part of my website I didn’t really know where to start, but then the package appeared from St Andrew’s school, Kirk Ella near Hull. I was so moved my their words that I had to share them with you. They made the whole experience something I could look back on confidently. Read and enjoy….

Incidentally the three days I spent there revolved around creating poetry for display at an exhibition, both in the school and at Beverley Minster, as a complement to their great artwork and research.

I’m only sorry I couldn’t include their brilliant drawings in here.

Dear Adrian

At last I am able to send you thank you letter from some of our children.

We all enjoyed your visit and it certainly gave us food for thought for our future efforts with poetry.

Thank you for all your hard work on all three days of your visit.

Yours sincerely
Pat O’Brien
St. Andrew’s CP School

Dear Mr Spendlow

I really enjoyed it on Friday, I liked it the best when I was a little girl and I was arguing. It was funny. I only thought that poems rhymed but now I know its what you feel from the inside. I was a bit sad on Friday but you really cheered me up. Thank you!

Dear Mr Spendlow

Thank you for coming to see us and to teach us to write poems. I really enjoyed it when we pretended to be people.

Dear Mr Spendlow

I really enjoyed you coming to help us with our poems. I like writing poems. It was fun when we got in a circle and spoke about the card. It was good.

Dear Mr Spendlow

Thank you for coming, I really enjoyed it. I loved doing the poems in a big circle. I thought it was interesting.

Dear Mr Spendlow

Thank you for coming. I enjoyed writing my poem about Emma Lucretia, as well as you telling us poems. I was embarrassed when we went in a circle when it was my turn.

Dear Mr Spendlow

Thank you for coming to our school. Telling us that they had bad schools. I wouldn’t like to do the washing. Never would I do the ironing. I wouldn’t like to go to the schools. I would never watch the people hang. Cheers! For telling us all the great poems, the football one was my favourite.

Dear Mr Spendlow
Thank you for coming to our school. I liked it when you told us to get into a circle and shout out who we were. I also liked it when Bradley said, “ I hate the Governor of Hull!” I liked it most when we made up our own poems.

Dear Mr Spendlow
Thank you for coming, I really, really enjoyed it. Especially when we did some drama. It was fun work. I hope you can come again. When we were doing the poems it was easy, but when we did the morning, when it was playtime, I was worried because I didn’t know what to say in drama.

Dear Mr Spendlow
I was really grateful for you coming to our school. You were really clear. I enjoyed it all especially the part in the morning. You were sitting a the back of the room and a few people read out a short poem. It was really easy when we were doing poems that didn’t rhyme. You made it really easy for us. Here is a poem I made up….

I had a great time
When we learnt to rhyme
It’s nice you came to school
I think you’re really cool

That’s the poet Mr Spendlow!
I hope you like my poem, (“I do", Adrian) I had a bit of help from my friend Christina.

Now some poems……

( Pointing poem example for kindergarten play area)

A daisy

Rabbit Photo Label Poem

(Example label poem for a picture in class 4C)

Boxing clever
Battle action
Be wary
Preying Mantis maul
These springboks dare
Be aware
These real rabbits
Are only dancing

Group pointing poem for the school entrance by class 4C written whilst working with poet Adrian Spendlow and teacher Ian McMinn

Be brighter
Friendship, fun
We guide
Be amazed
Helping hands
Better forever
No longer
We learn





Projects List


Vikings in York

Barley Hall, York.

Photo Gallery

Film Clips

Digital Art


Adrian's Poetry

Adrian's Chats

Poetry and Music

Bands and Artists

Performance Reviews

Links Page

Poster Wall

Work In Prisons

Ghost Stuff

Bridlington MIND

Restless Productions

Williams Bar


DVD Product