Jorvik Viking Festival - Digital Art

Barley Hall, York.

Vikings, Ghosts and Way-back-when

Adrian now bases his storytelling at a regular Thursday evening event upstairs in Williams Bar in York. Where he further hones his skills and gathers tourists, friends and city residents together to be mesmerised.

The Ghost Show - The Ghost Show is now available for your venue. Written by Adrian Spendlow, This work is based on the well researched stories of Connie Spendlow who was running ghost walks before anyone else in York.

A well known figure around the North of England, in particular for her 1930’s based reminiscence book; Navy Blue Knickers, and her popular talks on rural life in the 30’s, Oberammergau, and East Yorkshire dialect.

Her work, which is based on firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses that she sought out whilst working with author John Mitchell, has now been adapted into a lively music based poetry drama by her son Adrian.

The Halloween Ghost Inn Tour of York - A brand new project in collaboration with Gothic Molly. The wacky pair of acclaimed theatrical storytellers take you on an unmissable journey of haunted pubs in the most ghostly city in Europe. More

Dare you join them?





Projects List


Vikings in York

Barley Hall, York.

Photo Gallery

Digital Art

Film Clips


Adrian's Poetry

Adrian's Chats

Poetry and Music

Bands and Artists

Performance Reviews

Links Page

Poster Wall

Work In Prisons

Ghost Stuff

Bridlington MIND

Restless Productions

Williams Bar


DVD Product