Virtual Adept Symbol   010: LABEL "History: A chronological record of updates."
  020: REM "All entries are in the same format:  DD MMM YY 00:00  followed by a brief description of the change."
  030: REM "You can check here for recent changes."
  100: GOTO 00001001 ; "Return to the main page."

01 JAN 2005 23:30:37   Posted 'Third Horseman' manifesto.

01 JAN 2000 01:15:21   Nyaa, nothing happened. Y2K? BS!

09 NOV 99 17:47   Uploaded MS-Word version of the AMS (thanks to Scott Damerow for the re-formatting)

17 MAR 99 20:56 Gwen (tracy) bani Hollow One logged on

05 MAR 99 04:04  Vincent bani VA logged on from Argentina

10 FEB 99 00:59  Mojo bani Progenitor logged on

27 JAN 99 09:52 09:54  -=POD=- logged on

25 JAN 99 11:05  Cyphers-1011 bani Union logged on

23 JAN 99 14:45  Erika CircuitBreaker bani Virtual Adept logged on

22 JAN 99 05:53  Zer0 eFFeCt bani Virtual Adept logged on

19 JAN 99 22:05  Frankie\The Paradox Pusher bani Hollow One logged on

19 JAN 99 15:25  -=POD=- logged on

12 JAN 99 13:49  WildFire bani Virtual Adept logged on

12 JAN 98 13:35  Brisk bani Virtual Adept logged on

14 DEC 98 02:02  Ratspaw bani Son of Ether logged on

13 DEC 98 22:07  Elliot J. Clark bani Order of Hermes logged on

05 DEC 98 07:20  Erika Circuitbreaker bani Virtual Adepts logged on

26 NOV 98 21:13  Mick Carstairs bani VAdepts logged on

17 NOV 98 23:49  Sue Murphy bani Euthanatos logged on.

06 NOV 98 22:46  Trevelyan bani Sons of Ether logged on.

05 NOV 98 23:33  Added an apendix about Crossovers to the AMS. Added Speculation, non-trusted data files, to DATA. Moved Kudos up to Addr1001.

04 NOV 98 20:33  Added an apendix about Extra Actions to the AMS.

28 OCT 98 04:33  Ryan Kestrel, Son of Ether! logged on.

27 OCT 98 04:34  Antricault bani Hermetica logged on.

15 OCT 98 23:49  Jade the evilblackdragon logged on.

04 OCT 98 20:24  Xail, an Orphan logged on.

02 OCT 98 21:12  Bard bani Virtual Adepts logged on.

28 SEP 98 20:44  Medviah bani Cult of Ecstacy logged on.

25 SEP 98 18:20 Saint bani Hollow Ones logged on.

14 AUG 98 23:17  Daniel Santos bani Adeptos da Virtualidade logged on (from Brazil).

07 AUG 98 07:18  niteHawk bani V.A.s logged on.

05 AUG 98 09:00  Loki bani V-depts logged on.

29 JUL 98 17:54  Malcolm Price bani Virtual Adepts logged on.

29 JUL 98 04:35  Archon logged on.

28 JUL 98 18:44  Added more Ecclectic Rotes by Hugh of the High Hand.

14 JUL 98 10:41  Jonathan Palmer bani Sons Of Ether logged on.

23 JUN 98 06:26  POETHAAKON (a Storyteller) logged on.

22 JUN 98 21:51  Added Ecclectic Rotes by Hugh of the High Hand to the TOOLS page.

16 JUN 98 23:34  Added links to Strangeness by Hugh and The Gaming Philosopher's Page to the WEB page.

14 JUN 98 15:34  Dritz logged on.

10 JUN 98 02:42  Robert LeMoyne bani Cult of Ecstasy logged on.

01 JUN 98 22:25  Added a link to the Metaphysics of Mage, by Sandy Goh & conspiritors to the Web page.

01 JUN 98 20:12  Commented the more recent logons.

29 MAY 98 23:09  Added a conventional page for the Ascension Circle Mage Webring.

29 MAY 98 00:29  Changed the look of the initial splash page. Got rid of the last of the NWO restriction, added a link to the Ascension Circle.

27 MAY 98 16:17  Astral Matrix bani Virtual Adepts logged on. Had to clean up a bunch of clumsy HTML formatting errors as a result of the tacky banner 'she' left. U R 1 Eleet d00d, Astral. :P

25 MAY 98 19:52  Shade bani Euthanotos logged on.

24 MAY 98 08:42  James Simon bani Hermetica ex Fortunae logged on.

18 MAY 98 19:49  Treil Freth bani Verbena logged on.

18 MAY 98 05:04  ACE bani Nosferatus logged on.

06 MAY 98 23:46  MedViah MenZie bani Cult of Ecstasy logged on.

04 MAY 98 22:46  Fixed the LOGON feature problem reported by Medviah Menzie.

04 MAY 98 22:38  Made some minor changes to addr1001.

30 APR 98 21:23  Completed the Web Ring splash page.

21 APR 98 17:12  Added my basic M:tA character sheet (.gif image) to my personal info.

09 APR 98 23:51  A Syndicate opperative held a gun to my head and forced me to join Link Exchange.

07 APR 98 20:50  Added some of my personal information to the Data directory.

30 MAR 98 07:51  Added a Web Ring splash page for rings I'm planning to join.

30 MAR 98 02:11  Added a link to Trap 14's web page about Computers & Magic in real life.

30 MAR 98 02:11  Added a Kudos menue to record email comments.

19 MAR 98 00:37  Commented James Simon's logon record.

07 MAR 98 00:53  Added link to Paradigma Online to the WEB.

05 MAR 98 06:13  James Simon bani Hermetica ex Fortunae logged on.

25 FEB 98 19:07  Added link to the MORBIUS rote database to the WEB.

29 JAN 98 00:08  Made corrections to Forces sphere in the AMS.

28 JAN 98 22:40  Added link to Logan's Page 'o Magi to the WEB.

27 JAN 98 00:33  Added list of Talisman Swords to the Tools menu.

13 JAN 98 21:37  Lady Byron bani Virtual Adepts logged on.

13 JAN 98 20:13  Agent Donovan of the NWO logged on.

13 JAN 98 20:10  Initialized the Log file.

30 DEC 97 17:00  NWO Restriction permenantly bypassed to a mirror sector.

29 DEC 97 09:55  Full public contents of Sector available. Still no sign the NWO has clued in.

12 DEC 97 08:43  Initiated sleeper-accessible breach in the NWO Restriction.

11 NOV 97 03:49  Restored the NWO Restriction, with a little back door. Hopefully, in the chaos they won't notice the difference.

11 NOV 97 00:57  The system crash yesterday was Global. They're already calling it 'White Wednessday.' Glad I missed it. May present an oportunity for us less Elite types, though.

10 NOV 97 ??:??  Major system crash. Sector mostly whited out. Zorch managed to save some of the core files. Started restoring sector.

23 OCT 97 01:05  Site Interdicted by NWO.  Closed to Sleeper access.


  900: PRINT "This Digital Web Sector interfaces with Consensual Reality thru GeoCities."
  901: PRINT "Move one step closer to Virtual Ascension by getting your own Free Home Page ."
  990: PRINT "All writing in this site (excepting Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios, and the messages reproduced on this page) is Copyrighted, 94, 97 by Tony Vargas"
  999: END OF FILE