History of the Magiverse

The Magiverse is the Creation of

Doug Freeman and
Myself (Lester Drinnon)

The Magiverse is approximately fifteen billion years old. It was created by a being known as the GODHEAD. After he loosed all of the matter and energy needed for the formation of the material universe, he looked over his creation, and saw that it was incomplete. He then created the LIFEFORCE that energizes all living things. He knew that to give life those things that could be termed GOOD, He would also have to create those things considered EVIL, thereby keeping the CELESTIAL BALANCE.

He knew the problems that evil would give life, so the GODHEAD chose to create a force for good in his universe that would help to contain the spread of evil amongst the astral community. He forged a dagger from the hearts of 10,000 blazing stars and a tiny portion of His own immeasurable power. He named the blade GILTTHORNE SHADOWCLAW. The GODHEAD then took that deadly blade and slashed the palm of His right hand. His Celestial ichor flowed forth until there was enough of the vitreous fluid to make a medium sized planet. That congealed mass pulsed and surged with life. Its life was part of the GODHEAD'S life; Its power, part of the GODHEAD'S power. The GODHEAD spoke to the mass in a way beyond knowing, and He charged the mass with protecting the Universal harmony. He then called the mass, the UNION.

The GODHEAD then took the dagger Giltthorne Shadowclaw and plunged it into the center of the newly formed Union's body, and the Union exploded into a thousand, thousand parts: each a cell (called a Valkoor) of the GODHEAD'S blood, and each with a life of its own. Those cells, though possessed of life, were capable of forming only the lowest forms of life, and were therefore useless in their ability to function as the agents of the all powerful Union. The GODHEAD designed the Union's capabilities that way to insure the power of His astral Judge would be shared with, and linked to, all of the other lifeforms He had created. In that way, He insured that the Valkoor, and the Union, would not grow arrogant in their power, and feel themselves better than those they were to Judge.

As He planned, for a Valkoor to function, they had to choose a host, and bond with that host for the life of the host. When the bonding of Valkoor and host was complete, symbiotic lifeforms were created that soon became known, Universally, as the cadre of Celestial Judges called the CRIMSON KNIGHTS. To be chosen by a Valkoor, a host had to be relatively pure and noble of spirit. During the bonding, any impurities of spirit would be eradicated from the host. These impurities, these evils, were shunted to the rim of creation, and there they took on a life of their own. This living evil chose to call itself the Darque, and there on creations edge, he built himself a castle of fire and brimstone, smoke, ash, and polished ebon, and he called it Shadowkeep.

After the bonding, a feat that occurs in the spirit of the host, the Valkoor could reshape itself into a form of living armor, and provide a suitable weapon for itself. The Crimson Knight symbiote would then take to the starways, for it was, and is, the duty of the Knights to monitor the advancements of civilizations. At the appropriate time, when a society was about to achieve interstellar travel capabilities, the Knight nearest to that world would travel there and assess the maturity of the race. If judged satisfactorily, the Knight would move on to his next assignment. If judged negatively, The Knight would call forth the Union, and the usual judgement of the Union was to seal that world away from the rest of the Universe for one turn of the Celestial wheel. After that passage of time, a Knight would return, and Judge that world once more. After seeing that all his players were in place, the GODHEAD hid the dagger Giltthorne Shadowclaw in the heart of a memory wrapped within an enigma and stepped outside of this Universe He had made, leaving only CREATIONS TRIAD of ORDER, CHAOS, and OBLIVION, whom he had spoken into being, as his faces to it. These three, He called the MAGI.

Oblivion is the unlife and is the ultimate balance in the universe. Chaos and Order represent the life and death aspects of the universe. Chaos represents the feminine, or life aspect of creation. Order is the masculine, or death, facet to creation. As long as Chaos and Order dance their puzzling dance, Oblivion will be held at bay. Many people have confused and misunderstood the roles of Chaos and Order in our universe's life equation. Philosophers have warped peoples perceptions into believing that life should be ordered and that death is chaotic, but, in truth, life itself is chaotic, and death is the ultimate, final order.

For 15 billion years, the universe settled into a gentle rhythm. Civilizations rose and fell. Empires formed, grew large, collapsed, and disappeared. Then approximately 5,000 years ago, on a planet its inhabitants called SOULARA, a prophet foresaw the coming of a time of great darkness when a Soularan, a Dark Lord, would yield up his soul to the heart of evil, the eternal Darque, and become a threat to the entire cosmos. The prophet, Alwahem, called together the Council of Elders, that governed his world, and they laid the foundations for a plan to halt the Dark Lord ere he left all of Soulara in his fiery wake. To slow the Dark Lord's ascent to ultimate power, the Elders chose to disperse twelve of the thirteen sacred blue jewels of power to twelve different worlds. According to ancient legends, the living incarnation of the primal planetary life force of that world, called the Soularan Demi-urge, had created many gemstones of power to aid his children, the Soularan people. All told, he created 27 gems. Thirteen blue stones, nine green gems, four stones of gold, and one stone of crimson did he make.

There were thirteen stones of blue that held vast power, of which, one power was the ability to open doorways to other worlds. Attendant to that power was the power of the gems, if gathered together, to increase the power of the bearer exponentially, ergo if a person had 1 stone, his power would be simply doubled. If a person had two stones, his power would increase by a factor of four, and three gems would increase the power nine times. If a person was to hold all thirteen jewels, his power would be increased 13^13 times, or basically to infinity.

There are also nine green gems. These, the Demi-urge dedicated to Kalamar, the Soularan goddess of living things. These gems are less powerful than the blue stones, but still they have great power. These nine contain the collective life energy of all Soulara, and to hold these is to hold sway over all living things on that world. They also hold the power to restore life to all things Soularan. These stones, because they are tied into the life force of the planet, cannot leave Soulara. Each one of these stones has a doubling affect on the bearers power, and if one held all nine stones, his power would be increased 512 times.

Four gems of gold exist also. These stones are the gems of the warrior. The Demi-urge foresaw the probability of conflict with the evil Darque and his vessels. The gold stones power is to grant a spirit weapon to the four warriors most dedicated to halting the growth of the Darque's power. The golden jewels only grant these weapons once in a millenia. They are stored in the Box of Paradox. A warrior has to reach in, grasp a stone, and draw it out. As it is drawn out, the stone reforms itself into the desired weapon of the warrior. The Paradox is that if one were to look into the Box of Paradox, the stone would rest there still but unable to be drawn forth again for another millenium.

Finally, there is a single stone of blood red. This stone is to crown the head of the new Soularan king. Legends say that to defeat the Ascension plans of the Dark Lord, all of the stones of power must be gathered together and given to Zombus, the Soularan Bird of Renewal, at his Great Peacock Throne.

By sending twelve of the blue stones off world, the Elders hoped for two things. One, that by separating the stones, the Dark Lord would be slowed in his quest for ultimate power. And two, that each of the worlds might produce a champion who would aid Soulara in its time of darkness. To ensure the possibility of those worlds producing a champion, twelve of Soulara's thirteen tribes were chosen to send a delegation with each of the stones. The delegation was to consist of six men, and six women. Also, all twelve in each delegation was to be well versed in the mystic arts. In effect, Soulara was sending her finest young people off world in an effort to protect the stones, and to act as breeding stock in hopes of creating warriors for her own protection. The 13th stone was to remain on Soulara, and the Elders created a chamber that they filled with the Sacred Purple Mists, and they sealed it till the time of darkness. When that time arrived, the Council of Elders would again be called, and the Chosen One would walk the path of power in that chamber and become the Nimbus, Defender of Soulara.

The twelve worlds that the Soularans sent the gems to were foreseen in Alwahem's visions. They were:
Njord, a world of cold, currently in its eighth millenium of an ice age.
Primus, a world of primal power, still in its formative stages. The first signs of vegetation are just now showing up on the edges of its newly formed continents.
Spartus, a harsh world of rock, raging waters, sandstorms and violent storm activity. Only a few calm oasis exist on this rugged planet.
Amber, a world as gentle as Spartus is rugged. The entire world is covered with abundant vegetation and wildlife, and its climate from pole to pole is temperate.
Plutonis, is a world forever in the dark because its sun burns in the radio wave frequency of the bands of energy, instead of the light wave frequencies, like most worlds where bipeds dwell.
Aeolus, a world where gale force winds constantly tear across the face of the planet.
Ferrus, a world of extremely high iron concentration with a magnetic field and gravitational field of like proportion.
Cairus, a mountainous world with an abundance of rivers and deltas.
Jetain, a world, like Plutonis, forever in the dark. The world itself has excessive stores of radioactive uranium and plutonium.

Gaeon, a world much like Soulara itself, and a world with strong spiritual and mystical powers.
Eleventh Persus, a super dense, giant world with astonishingly heavy gravity.
And finally, twelfth Earth, a world of varying climate and vast resources.

The delegates, that were chosen to accompany the gems, used the jewels, and their mystic powers to adapt themselves to their new environments. They also made themselves genetically compatible with the original inhabitants of the worlds that already possessed life. Even though they were able to mate with the native life forms, their descendants retained a trace gene, unique to all of Soularan stock.

On Earth, in 1920, an experimental generator, based on the theories of Nikola Tesla, ran wild and generated a power pulse that touched every man, woman, and child on the planet. That pulse reactivated the dormant, and highly malleable, gene in everyone who had Soularan ancestry. The first being to appear with enhanced power from being born with an altered DNA makeup was Theodore Vel-Johnson. When his powers first developed, in 1938 when he was 17 years old, he went to the Science Research Institute, and the scientists there measured his powers, and taught him how to utilize his powers to their fullest, through trial and error testing. After a couple of months, a few more people arrived at the Institute, and Theo realized that he was not alone, and he was not a freak of nature.

He felt as though he was the first of a new race of men, and when he decided to go public, he chose, as an alias to operate under, the name Proto-Man. Theo used his powers to aid mankind. But, far off in Europe, ill winds were blowing. World War Two was brewing, and as more and more of these new men, these Hyper-genetics, appeared, it was feared that if they became involved in the war, that all of humanity might be lost, so in early 1939, every member of the League of Nations, and virtually every other recognized country of the time, signed a solemn pact to only utilize the hyperials on their own soil. In effect, the U.S.A. who had the overwhelming majority, at the time, of the hyperials, as they came to be known, was denied one of its greatest tactical advantages. It was a decision that lengthened the war, many experts say, by as much as three years. Proto-Man was the first of a new race of men that scientists called Hyper-genetics, Hyper-g's for short (that term later fell out of favor and, the words hyperial and hy-genes were coined. His powers were amazing, and it soon became evident that he was not only the first, but also one of the most powerful. He was able to fly at close to 650 MPH. and lift nearly fifty tons. His body was tough enough to turn gunfire and resist a grenades explosive force. He could also induce or extract mass to or from anything, making it either very light or very heavy. He could also dampen the energy fields around him in about a 1/4 mile radius. One additional thing, and this has proven to be true in almost all hyperials, is that Proto-Man was found to age at 1/3 of the rate of the average human.

As other hyperials appeared, Proto-Man contacted them, and he and the Scientific Research Institute taught them how to live with their gifts. As the coming war approached, Proto-Man used his contacts to bring together a group of people that believed, as he did that hyperials needed to take an active role, even if it had to be on the homefront.

So, in 1939, Proto-Man formed the Liberty Brigade. The other founding members were, Fauna, Rachael James, who was an animal elemental, and the woman Proto-man would eventually marry. Fauna has a twin sister Flora, Sarah James who is a vegetable elemental, and an associate member of the Brigade. Volt, Benjamin Mills, a speedster who could also generate lightning bolts, and Sparkle, Margaret Reese, a woman who could also fly, like Proto-Man and generate bits of hot matter that she could direct in a tight stream that had a forceful punch or loosely to generate hot spots and fires. These four were the core group of the Brigade, until 1947 when Streamline, Grace Catron, a speedster even faster than Volt, and whom Volt would marry, joined as the fifth full time member. The scientists at the research institute outfitted Streamline with a costume that absorbed and stored the friction and static energies she produced as she ran. She could then use that stored energy as a heat blast.

In 1953, Noble, Freeman Noble, joined, and like his mentor, Proto-Man, Noble could fly, but far faster at a top speed of almost MACH 2, and he was very strong being able to lift better than seventy tons, and he was a little more resistant to injury than Proto-Man. He was also able to generate energy that he could emit as heat, light, electricity, or force.

Then, in 1960, Armageddon, Truman Reed, joined, and more than doubled the power base of the Liberty Brigade all by himself. He had the same basic powers of his own friend, and mentor, Noble, but amplified more than five fold. At the start of Armageddon's career, there were no devices available to accurately measure his true power levels. Outside of Earth's atmosphere, he could fly at almost the speed of light. His strength was immeasurable, at the time, and he was invulnerable to everything but a nuclear explosion. He could also generate energy as light, heat, force, electricity, or radiation in vast quantities.

In 1957, after a long courtship, and even longer friendship, Proto-man and Fauna married. In 1960, Fauna gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Cameo, who would one day grow up to become Shrew, heroine of a new era. In 1962.Volt and Streamline tied the knot. In late 1963, Fauna gave birth to a son called Adrion, who would join his sister as the size changing Behemoth.

Two months after the birth of her son, Fauna was murdered by an old foe of the Brigade, the Nazi sympathizer and bundist, Herr Schwartze. He had been little more than an annoyance during the war, but when he returned, he possessed a blue gemstone of awesome power that made his minor mystic abilities incredibly powerful. After murdering Fauna, Herr Schwartze beat Proto-Man to a bloody pulp, and he would have killed him had he not been driven off by a hastily summoned Brigade. The beating which caused some minor brain damage, and the loss of his beloved wife drove Proto-Man temporarily insane. In a delusional fog, he slew a petty thief by inducing enough mass into the man's skin to make it collapse on him crushing his insides to a jelly like lump. But that was not the end of his perfidy, for in his dementia, he believed that Sparkle was his late wife and forced himself on her in an act of warped desire. After these acts, the Brigade took it upon themselves to bring Proto_man to justice. After a hard fought battle, Volt and Streamline were able to trap Proto-Man in a power dampening stasis chamber as he fought his old comrades, Noble and Armageddon.

Proto-Man was given 40 years in the stasis chamber by a judicial panel because there was no facility available in 1964 that could contain a hyperial of Proto-Man's power. He was hooked up to a live feed that relayed news to him, so in his forty year sentence, he could stay in tune with the world. One benefit of the chamber was that in stasis, one does not age. It was agreed that he would be up for parole in 30 years.

In December of 1964, Sparkle gave birth to a daughter, Michelle Reese, who would one day take her place at the side of her half siblings, Shrew and Behemoth, as the energy wielding Ion. Sparkle was also awarded custody of Cameo and Adrion Vel-Johnson, the now abandoned children of Proto-Man and Fauna. Even though Proto-man had raped her while in his mentally aberrant state, she knew his condition at the time, and she forgave his actions as those of a very sick man. Sparkle was an amazing woman of great emotional and spiritual strength, and getting custody of the children of two of her greatest friends, friends who were now out of their children's lives, was the right thing to do. It was known to only a few people, at the time, that Sparkle suffered from a chemical imbalance that would one day rob her of the ability to function as a human being because she would become so withdrawn that she would lose all touch with reality.

In late 1965, the Liberty Brigade officially disbanded.

With one member dead (Fauna), one in a stasis chamber (Proto-Man), one who chose to leave the adventurers lifestyle and raise three children (Sparkle), and one (Armageddon) who decided to leave Earth for a time, there didn't seem to be any reason to continue. Volt and Streamline decided to start a family and a security business using hyperials. That left Noble, who was a man without a purpose for a while, until T.E.C.H..

The Tesla Enlightenment Center for Humanity, or T.E.C.H. came along at just the right time for Noble. They offered him a job as Co-Chief of security.
His Co-Chief was the woman code named Sister Serenity. She was the leader of T.E.C.H.'s defensive force called the T.E.C.H.Guard. It was to be Noble's job to develop and train hyperial security teams for each of the T.E.C.H. branches. Because of its immense size and influence, he was also told to train a second team to be stationed at T.E.C.H.Central, worldwide headquarters for the T.E.C.H. Enterprises Group.

In 1966, Streamline gave birth to twin sons who would one day grow up to be the heroes Amp and Torq. Armageddon left Earth that year, after hunting down Herr Schwartze, stripping the blue power jewel from him, and seeing that he was safely imprisoned. He gave the jewel to T.E.C.H. for safekeeping. He also got an experimental belt, from the scientists there, that had a built in dimensional interface with a dimensional pocket inside. He was able to divert any excess energy directed at him, that exceeded his limit of absorption, into the storage pocket dimension of the belt, where he could access it at his convenience. He was also able to store material things in the belt as well. 'Geddon, short for and familiar of Armageddon, believed that, if he flew as fast as he could, and released all of the stored energy in the belts pocket dimension instantaneously, that he could open a rift into hyper space where he could travel at many times the speed of light. His belief proved to be true, and the universe gained a great warrior and champion.

From 1966 to the present, many hy-genes appeared singly, and in groups, on both sides of the law. There was also a plethora acrobats and athletes, and passively powered hyperials who emerged during that time. Most of those are now dead, and to see a listing, check Cameron's Obituary File.

One week ago: On Soulara, Akim Slor pa Far, son of King Brandon Far, had a vision. In that vision, on a strange world, beyond the pale of space and time, where lightning bolts strobe the landscape in a never ending dance of sensuous vitality, a mystic of great power awaits the arrival of a warrior. On Earth, Noble called to order the first meeting of T.E.C.H.'s newest team, the T.E.C.H.Nauts.

Three days ago: Akim Slor, the Chosen One of legend, walked the path of power in the Chamber of the Purple Mists and emerged, forever changed, as the astral warrior the Nimbus. The mystic continued to wait, on the world where the lightning dances. On Earth, Noble led his fledgling team on their first mission.

Two days ago: Nimbus made a lightning swift assault on the Dark Lord's Tower of Sorrows and seized the blue jewel in his possession and fled off world, to Njord. The mystic continued to wait. On Earth, Noble's team celebrated their first victory.

Yesterday: Nimbus and Heatseeker, of Njord, were soundly thrashed by the Dark Lord and brought back to Soulara. The warrior (Armageddon) arrived on the world where the mystic waited. The mage was revealed to be Conjure, a seventh level adept capable of trafficking with the dead. The two champions formed a tenuous alliance. On Earth, Noble and crew continued their regimen of training and education.

This morning: The Dark Lord taunted his prisoners, Nimbus and Heatseeker. Conjure and Armageddon sought out a warrior known as the Exile. On Earth, Noble received word that a judicial review board was recommending parole for Proto-Man dependant upon the approval of Noble, and Proto-Man's children, Shrew, Behemoth, and Ion.

PAGE 1: The Home Page
PAGE 3: More on the History of the MAGIVERSE
PAGE 4: The Prophesies concerning NIMBUS
PAGE 5: A short story featuring SISTER PASSION!

Last Updated on February 7, 1998 by Lester Drinnon

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