
The expected links to other resources.
The Exodus Project
Keith Watt's background for a series of hard SF novels and role-playing game. Contains really useful introductions to orbital mechanics, astronomy, and gravitational wave detectors.
Role-playing Fiction
A searchable archive of fiction somehow related to role-playing, including a piece by yours truly.
Mythic Structure In Role-Playing Games
A fascinating article on how the mythic structure (as put forth by Joseph Campbell in Hero with a Thousand Faces) can be used in role-playing games.
The DC Heroes FAQ
The FAQ and links for the DC Heroes game and mailing list.
Hero Games
I used to love it; I love it less, now, but this is their home page.
Blacksburg Tactical Research Center
Greg Porter produces CORPS and other fine games. He may have some material by me up there someday, too; he's received it but just hasn't got around to putting it up.
Superhumans: The Horizon
Some thoughts on including superheroes in the White Wolf World of Darkness. I helped.
Running a Successful PBeM Campaign
Interesting advice on running a PBeM.


Some links about world-building:

Lars Eighner's World-Building Page
If you're into designing (RPG) worlds, you have to start here. One of the best collections of resources I've found so far.
A Course in World Building
Like it says: there's a university course in designing a world and its inhabitants.
Wharram Percy: The Lost Medieval Village
Information about a real medieval village; a useful antidote to many things we read in bad fantasy and worse role-playing supplements...
The Human Languages Page
Since Tolkien (at least), world-builders have been creating languages. Here's a starting point for making the languages plausible and self-consistent.
John Morrow's Web Homepage
John Morrow has a lot of links to interesting places; the emphasis is on world-building and science fiction.

Myth and Fantasy

Want it weird and unexpected? Then don't get your myths from other people's RPG supplements; get it from the people:

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