About (Nearly Anything)

As mentioned on the intro page, these are articles about stuff. (Well, nearly every piece of writing is about something, but you know what I mean. I hope.)


Overcoming the Dry Spell: A Plotting Technique
Some occult odds'n'ends , which I use for story springboards.
Some stuff about zombies.


I moved all the CORPS stuff onto its own page.

World Building

This is an area I think about often. Unfortunately, I write about it less frequently.
Interplanetary Travel: An Intro (with Equations)
A brief discussion of technologies currently discussed for interplanetary travel. I'll eventually follow this with an interstellar travel discussion. There are equations in this because I can often find lots of general discussions of orbital mechanics but no equations and dammit, I often use other solar systems. Don't trust my math, though: do it yourself and find my mistakes.
The WorldBuilder's Cookbook
A collection of equations and formulae of use in building worlds. A PDF version (with more information) is available here, or a reorganized one here.
About Aliens
Not complete yet, but on its way.
The Arms Race of the Future
An article from rec.games.frp.misc in 1992, by Adam Getchell.

The Notebook

The Routine Autopsy
So one of your PCs wants to observe an autopsy? Here's how it goes. An excellent overview by pathologist Ed Uthman.

Some Reviews

Hudson City: Sector 1
Champions: The New Millennium

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