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Imagine a world roughly three decades into the future. Technology had advanced far beyond it's boundaries and is now imbedded into the human flesh and mind. The providers of this technology, the megacorporations, are controlling everything, including the humans who carve for their merchandize. The government has no real power in this technological world, for they provide nothing of interest to the population. Most cities have combined into large sprawls - giant filthy monsters of stone and steel providing a home for humanity. Crime rates are higher then ever - drug addicts crawl the sprawl's sewers while cybernized gang members roam the streets.

And then there are the Mercs. When you need something done, you go to the Mercs. Though technically they don't exist, with the right connections you might just find yourself a team. They don't care why you need their service or if it's legal. It really doesn't matter as long as they get paid.

This is the world of 2031. But much darker days are coming for the human race...

A Brief History
A short account of the events that brought the world to what it is today.

The Mercs
What exactly are the Mercs? How they were founded and how they are organized.

The 2031 Society
A brief description of the social standings of 2031. This document can give a better understanding of how the people of 2031 live.

An overview of the major corporations of 2031.

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