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(fan section)

(wildcore polls)



First upload: 9th March 1998
Last updated: 18th December 1998

~webspace provided by the~
~ever cool Geocities!!~

Calling all ya SPB's!! Send me some e-mail will ya?!
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Mail me at

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A little about Me!
The awards this site has received!

Website Maintainance: Sara J.M.

WildCORE and all other prominent
characters are, (r), (tm) and (c) Aegis
Entertainment, Inc. dba WildStorm
Productions, 1998. Artwork (c) Aegis
Entertainment, Inc. 1998.

WildCORE Logo

This is's first line of defense against the D'rahn threat!

Wildcore is a Wildstorm comic installment and I was impressed with the title so much that after reading issue #3 I decided to set up a site on the world wide web. Navigation is simple, just click on the links on the menu on the left to get where you want. To get back to this index page just click the Wildcore logo at the top of the menu.

Latest update(19th December '98): Well, with issue #10, we end WildCORE's tenure... at least for this year... As far as the future goes, I have not a single nigging idea. I'll probably keep the site up here for the purpose of no purpose. But mostly for the fun of it. I'll decide what to do about it later. And if any of you are wondering what our interpred, and newly married (Congratz!!) pair, Brett Booth and Jess Ruffner-Booth are up to (as far as comics, dogs and reptiles are concerned) then check out their homepage! Which I will refer to as the Brett Booth and Jess Ruffner-Booth Homepage. Heh, it has all the stuff their working on including that Backlash/Taboo Special, The Kindred Mini and The Beast Within. Also, get to know the various dogs and reptiles that they share their home with!

Latest Updates
Surf here to find out the newest stuff and the latest updates to this website!

Brief synopsis on the events leading up to Wildcore #1 from the pages of Backlash. Taken from the letters page in WildCORE #3.

Character Bio-Files
Some background info on the characters in Wildcore comics. Includes little add-ons like Backlash's thoughts on some of the characters, my own notes and comments plus upcoming will be characters very own image galleries!

Backlash Comics
WildCORE is straight out of the pages of Backlash comics, so here it is the Backlash page! Some of the covers, images and issue reviews etc.

Issue Reviews
If you missed some of the issues (aw...c'mon theres only been 3 of 'em!) or just want to see the a review of a certain issue, then this section is for you! Also you can send in your own comments and reviews which I will add-on with credit given to you.

WildCORE Quotes
Looking for quotes to put in your e-mails signature? How about some wise-cracking Backlash, or the cocky attitude of Vigor? They're all here! Or just mail me to submit your favourite WildCORE quote and I'll put yer name up there with it!

Creative Team
Wanna know about the geniuses behind this terrific comic? Inlcudes Sean Ruffner, Brett Booth and Travis Charest. Also upcoming is Tom McWeeney and Jess Ruffner.

Price Guide
Comic price guides for WildCORE and also past issues of Backlash. Taken straight out of Wizard Magazine.

Image Gallery
Every sites got 'em so here ya go....

Cover Gallery
This is about the same as the Image Gallery except it's the covers of the comics instead....

WildCORE Message Board
Post your opinions, hold discussions, all here on the WildCORE Message Board!

Fan Section
Fan section! Send in your fanfic, fan art, humor or just about anything, as long as it has something to do with WildCORE or it's individual characters.

WildCORE Polls
What kind of people read WildCORE anyway? Contribute to the general polls and we'll see! Join in on the WildCORE polls and vote fer yer fave character.

This would be no web-page if it didn't have links to other pages on the net, most are sites related to WildCORE in some way with a few others thrown in for good measure.

These are all the kewl webrings that this website is a member of, check it out!

Visit the Official Wildstorm Website

WildCORE and all other prominent characters are, (r), (tm) and (c) Aegis Entertainment, Inc. dba WildStorm Productions, 1998. Artwork (c) Aegis Entertainment, Inc. 1998. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.