First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
Creator: John Byrne (Credit for the team name goes to Chris Claremont)

The roster includes:
Guardian, Puck, Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird, Vindicator II.

Current associates: Ghost Girl.

Past members: Aurora/Jeanne-Marie, Box I, Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries, Marrina, Northstar, Sasquatch II, Wild Child, Windshear.

Former Associates: Nemesis II, Sunfire. Wyre

Note: Several members of Beta Flight were once members of Alpha. See individual entries.

        Alpha Flight began as the dream of one man: James MacDonald Hudson. In conjunction with the Canadian Federal Government, he created Department H, a top-secret branch of the Ministry of Defense. Working with the government, Hudson recruited a team of superhumanly capable operatives to defend Canada.

        After a period of instability during which the team was controlled and manipulated by their bosses at Department H, Alpha Flight has stabilized and regained several members of the original team. Relationships with H appear to be on the upswing, and the team could be entering a golden age. Regrettably, Marvel Comics is no longer putting out an Alpha Flight comic book, and so the team has slipped into comic book limbo for the time being.

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