
A Renaissance Man with a short attention span

That's how I once described myself. It still holds pretty true. I don't follow up on many things but I sure can get involved for a short period of time.

Not unlike a small child fascinated by flashing lights

History and archaeology have always fascinated me. Whenever I hit a new area I find the local museums. Same goes for brief visits or vacations. This might not make me a party animal, but it does tend to enrich the mind. I think that's one of the reasons I enjoyed living in (and revisiting) Europe. There was so damn much history. Laying around everywhere. One of my residences in Heidelberg had been continuously occupied since the mid 17th century. It gives one pause, eh?

I still love popular media whether it be music (though it's not the focus of my life as it was during my musical days), literature, tv or movies. Note that I did not say "film." A flick is a flick, ok? Let's remember that when "Casablanca" was released it was a "b" movie. Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" has a historical perspective but it's still just a movie. what point did this become a rant?

Popular music today seems a little bland. I keep waiting for the next "rock & roll explosion" that will match the freshness & inventiveness of, what I consider the "golden age" of rock, the 60's. I know, I in the past. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Warning: More ranting ahead....

My latest addiction is the puter and the net. I spend waaaaay too much time playing around on this thing. At first I could spend hours in a chat room meeting new people and doing the chat thing. Now I can barely stand to sit in one for five minutes. If you had a remote in your hand, wouldn't you change the channel after a few minutes of inane drivel? When you're "chatting" with people who think "LOL" is the correct and proper response for anything said that's even remotely amusing.... and that's the entire conversation??

And I have been to chat rooms chock full of MENSA candidates and aside from better punctuation and correct spelling.......

I love the sense of "NOW" but bemoan the lack of content and originality. Granted, not every page is gonna be a literary gem, but do they ALL have to copy one another? If I see another page with a "mystic maiden," unicorn or angel gif I think I'm gonna be sick. Why the need to copy every web page trend?

Didn't we quit submitting to that kind of peer pressure in junior high school? Does the web really promote such a lack of individuality?

BTW I don't consider myself above reproach either. It's not like this site is the lost Great American Novel or a totally new web experience.

That said, I still find the net to be a wonderful tool for education and communication. Being an army brat I've lost touch with most of my friends over the years. I've been able to locate about 30 of them since getting on line. It really is turning out to be an amazing experience.

Postscript: I used to wonder why this page didn't incur wrath and/or more comments. Then I realized:

1) Why continue to read if you're not interested after the first paragraph

and most disturbingly

2) most people don't bother to read.


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