Stuttgart American High School

An interesting year in space & time

Please be patient as I get the pics etc. loaded in here. I wanted to go ahead and link this page now so people would have access to the school, alumni & search links below.

My senior year at Stuttgart American High School ( '68-'69 ) was a great experience. The people, the times and the location combined to make it a magical, wonderful year.

You make friends quickly when you're a "brat." After all, you may only know them for a short period and then you or they are gone. And when I say "gone" I mean really gone. As in to another state or continent. Not 20 miles down the road.

My closest friends were Mike (hates this pic because he's playing an e7th) Finlayson, Hank Snow, Leslie Rawlin & Julie Nutter. Girlfriends and members of my band. You figure out which was which. Mike Baxley, Del Pennington, Shelley Jones, Denise Vojensky, Kris Stubel, Sue Stephens, Lisa Pipkin, Mark Albert.....hey, this list could get long. Suffice it to say that I have a great memories of each.

So, about the school. Well, first we had to get there. The bus rides. Everyone has bus stories. Lonnng bus ride stories. SAHS was actually located outside of Ludwigsburg in Pattonville. Some Stallions endured 2-3 hour rides.

But well worth it since we had to get educated or, in my case, something that closely approximated such.

The teachers I remember best are Miss Radford (anyone know where she is?), Mr. Bunch & Mr. Reichler. All had something to do with literature and stuff. I know I had other classes...just can't really remember them. I must have had more since I did graduate. Yeah, amazed me too.

Aside from the usual pep rallies, games, clubs what I remember, in the loosest sense of the word, is the senior class trip to Paris. Actually I remember the Venus de Milo in the Louvre, the Metro, walking up the Champs Elysees, Napolean's Tomb and the bus ride there and back. And the odd experience of bumping into other groups of Stallions in out of the way places in a city of millions.

Lots of shared experiences spring to mind. Munching on pretzels between classes...eating grilled cheese sandwiches at the AYA...papering the halls with "Sister Ray Is Coming" posters... the daily writings in Miss Radford's class.. the Powder Puff game.. the Magic Tree bust...Hotdog eating contest...listening to Richard Burton recordings of Shakespeare (and turning around to see Mr. Reichler, with eyes closed, reciting along...word for word..) "cat & mouse" game with Mr. Plakinger....

More Pics

Does everybody still have their PEGASUS 1969? If not, would you like to see more of the pics scanned in here?

More to come....

I highly recommend the SAHS Alum Association & Overseas Brats sites.

SAHS Alumni Assoc

Overseas Brats


Military Brats Registry

Military Brats Online

Brats Newsgroup



Classmates Online

Baker High School

Schiller College

And for those of us who can barely remember how to spell "flughafen," here's a cool tool from Alta Vista....

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I'm hoping lots of Stallions will find there way here. If you have any pics scanned that you'd like to contribute, I'd be happy to post them here.

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