Earth: Final Conflict: Season Five

Other Seasons Reviewed:

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

The story so far: The Taelons are gone, combing with their ancient foes the Jaridians in a long-lost chamber within a volcano to revive both their species. The results of the joining are unclear, but Liam Kincaid has stayed behind to assist, apparently dying in a volcanic explosion. Agent Sandoval, betrayed by the Jaridians he was helping, is trapped on the Taelon mothership which is being bombarded by nuclear missiles, and Zo'or's lust for power has left him a mere stain in the joining chamber, neither dead nor alive. The conflict continues, however, as a new species enters the fray and Renee and Street are the only ones who stand between them and their desire to annihilate Earth, even thought they will be seeking help from an old friend...

Unearthed (2 of 2)


The Seduction


Boone's Awakening


Guilty Conscience

Boone's Assassin



Death Suite

Atavus High

Deep Sleep

Art of War

Grave Danger


Honor and Duty

Bad Genes


Street Wise

The Journey

Final Conflict

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