Alice Bailey and the Ageless Wisdom



Definition: [Astrological Ages] Alice A. Bailey [1880 - 1949 AD] claimed she was receiving 'Ageless Wisdom', which she published in her books, telepathically from an entity known as Master Tibetan, Djwhal Khul. Bailey's work followed the 'Theosophical' tradition started by Helena Blavatsky.

Some subsequent commentators have commented that her work predicted the start of the Age of Aquarius before anyone else. Is this true?

Alice Bailey's 'Ageless Wisdom' - Better Late than Never: The first place in Bailey's writings where we find a reference to something like an Age of Aquarius is her book entitled Discipleship in the New Age - Volume I [published in 1944]. Whilst this is contemporaneous with Jung's writings on the subject, it is a decade later than Le Cour and Carpenter. It seems Djwhal Khul was a little slow in his telepathic transmissions. However, at least Bailey's use of the phrase 'New Age' appears very early in the history of the subject.

A quote from that Part I of Volume 1 is given below.

It is of importance that you realize that today something new is happening. There is the emergence of a new kingdom in nature, the fifth kingdom; this is the Kingdom of God on earth or the kingdom of souls. It is precipitating on earth and will be composed of those who are becoming group-conscious and who can work in group formation. This will be possible, because these people will have achieved a self-initiated perfection (even if relative in nature) and will be identified with certain group expansions of consciousness. It will also be because they have arrived at love of their fellowmen, just as they have loved themselves in the past. Think on this with clarity, my brothers, and grasp, if you can, the full significance of this last sentence...

...Group endeavor, carried forward as a group, to love all beings and to apprehend and understand the true significance of the Aquarian technique of group love and work.

Searching For a New Age in the 20th Century...

5:  Searching for a New Age in the 20th Century... 
5a:  Gerald Massey & the Sign of the Waterman [c 1880 AD] 
5b:  Helena Blavatsky and the Hindu Epoch [1887 AD] 
5c:  Aleister Crowley and the Age of Horus [1904 AD] 
5d:  Edward Carpenter and the Age of Aquarius [1929 AD] 
5e:  Paul Le Cour and the Age of Aquarius [1937 AD] 
5f:  Carl Gustav Jung and the Age of Aquarius [1940 AD] 
5g:  Alice Bailey and the 'Ageless Wisdom' [1944 AD] 
5h:  Carl Gustav Jung and the Age of Pisces [1950] 
5i:  Jung's 'Platonic' Month [1950 AD] 
5j:  Jung's 'Platonic' Year [1950 AD] 
5k:  Carl Gustav Jung and the Age of Capricornus [1961 AD] 

© Dr Shepherd Simpson, Astrological Historian.


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