Astrology - The Evidence



Definition: YOUR evidence that YOUR astrology does or doesn't work. [This web-site is aimed at the needs of the practicing astrologer.]

Philosophy of the Website: As astrologers we know through our everyday working experience that astrology works. This presents us with a problem: we pretty much disagree amongst ourselves about all the basic concepts of astrology: which Zodiac; which House Definition; which House Systems; are we in the Age of Aquarius yet; should we use all the planets or just the Classical ones; should the more recently discovered planets be allowed to rule signs; should we include asteroids and/or Centaur objects; when a planet appears to go retrograde does this change its influence; are lunar nodes important or not; even about whether newspaper-type Sun-sign astrology has any truth to it. So even though we know astrology works, we can't all be right about how to put into practice. Put another way: some other astrologers are very likely to be using a truer astrological system than you [or I] are [and many others one which isn't so true... of course] [I suspect you are thinking: but I know it's mine that truest: I am, but we can't all be right.]

This state of affairs presents a number of problems for us. Firstly, we could all be short-changing our clients - there could be many other astrologers out there who would provide a truer reading than we could, because their system is truer. Truthfully, how do you know that isn't the case. Secondly, all this argument amongst ourselves produces huge quantities of ammunition for the anti-astrology lobby. 'They can't even agree amongst themselves', the anti-astrologers say, 'how could anything they say be true.'

What this Website WON'T Attempt to Do: Provide you with a lot of opinions by a lot of astrological authority figures about which systems are right and which are wrong. You can find a suitable authority figure on any side of an astrological argument.

What this Website WILL Attempt to Do: Provide some methods by which we can test our own systems of astrology. For example, let's say you follow Vedic Astrology and know the Sidereal Zodiac to be a truer way of doing astrology, I'll provide on the site a method to test predictions made using the Sidereal Zodiac against those using the Tropical Zodiac. That way you can determine for yourself which is the truer system.

Publish and be Proud! Finally, I would encourage you to publish on the web your results from these tests. Show them to your clients... Send them to skeptical scientists... with a little note telling them, I told you so. The more of us do these tests, the more we can start to come up with a consensus of astrologers on the truest astrology which will serve all of us, and the public at large, much better in the future.

The Tests As to the tests... watch this space...!

© Dr Shepherd Simpson, Galactic Astrologer


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