Lakota, Dakota / UmhaNhaN, PpaNkka

Sioux / Omaha-Ponca


Ikus Ameriketako hizkuntzen azpi-aurkibidea

Orri honetan, Sioux familiako zenbait hizkuntza ditugu: Lakota-Dakota eta Omaha-Ponca.

Honako karaktereak ASR sistemarekin adieraziak hemen: s< z< [caron]. Hizkuntza hauen idazkeran, N larriak aurreko bokala nasala dela markatzen du.

Check the Native American sub-index.
In this page, the following Siouan languages are listed: Sioux and Omaha-Ponca.
In the scripts used for Siouan languages, capital N marks the preceding vowel as nasal. The following characters appear here written in ASR system: s< z< [caron].

Lakota, Dakota

Siouxak tribu mordo bat ziren. Beren izena, beren hizkuntzan, Lakota edo Dakota da, dialektoaren arabera. Gaur egunean badirudi Lakota izena Sioux guztiak izendatzeko erabiltzen hasi dela. Lakotaz mintzo diren taldeak: Oglala, Sicangu (Brule), Hunkpapa, Miniconjous, Sihasapa, Itazipacola (Sans Arcs) eta Oohenupa ("Katilu Bi"). Dakotaz mintzo direnak: Santee (Mdewakantonwon, Wahpeton, Wahpekute, Sisseton), Yankton eta Yanktonai. Kanadako Assiniboine eta Stoney herriak Siouxengandik oso hurbil daude; beren jatorrizko izena Nakoda edo Nakota da. Dakotaz mintzo dira 5,000 lagun Kanadan eta 15,300 EEBBetan. Lakotaz beste 6,000 lagun Estatu Batuetan. 1990eko erroldan, 103,000 Sioux zeuden EEBBetan.




The Sioux were a wide group of distinct tribes, wich called themselves and their language Lakota or Dakota, depending on the dialect. The name Lakota seems to be in use nowadays to designate all the Sioux. Among the Lakota-speaking groups we have the Oglala, Sicangu (Brule), Hunkpapa, Miniconjous, Sihasapa, Itazipacola (Sans Arcs) and Oohenupa ("Two Kettle"). The Dakota-speaking are the Santee (Mdewakantonwon, Wahpeton, Wahpekute, Sisseton), Yankton and Yanktonai. The Assiniboine and Stoney peoples of Canada are very close to the Sioux: they call themselves and their language Nakota (or Nakoda). There are around 5,000 Dakota speakers in Canada, and 15,300 in USA; another 6,000 speakers of Lakota in the US. In the 1990 census, there were 103,000 ethnic Sioux in the US.

* Ingelesez / *English

* Lakota-Dakota


Maka Sica

Bear Butte

Matho Paha

Black Hills

Paha Sapa

Mankato, MN


Minnesota River


Missouri River


Onawa, IA.


Sappa Creek

Wakpala Sapa

UmaNhaN, PpaNkka

Lautada handietako bi herrik, Omaha (UmaNhaN) eta Ponca (PpaNkka) nazioek, hizkuntza bera zeukaten, Sioux familiakoa. Gaur, Poncak erreserba batean bizi dira Oklahoman, eta Omahak beste batean ekialdeko Nebraskan. Hizkuntza desagertzeko zorian dago. 1993an 85 hiztun zeuden 5.000 lagueko talde etnikoak (3.000 Omaha; 2.000 Ponca).



Omaha, Ponca

Omaha-Ponca is the language of the Omaha (UmaNhaN) and Ponca (PpaNkka) nations, two of the peoples of the Great Plains. Nowadays, the Ponca live in a reservation in Oklahoma, and the Omaha in another in eastern Nebraska. This Siouan language is in the verge of extinction. In 1993 there were some 85 speakers out of 3,000 Omaha and some 2,000 ethnic Ponca.

* Ingelesez / * English

* Omaha-Ponca

Black Hills

Ppahe Sabe

Elkhorn River

NiN Watte

Missouri River

NiN S<ude

Niobrara River

NiN Ubdhadha

Platte River

NiN Bdhaska (1) / NiN TtaNga (2)

Sand Hills

Ppahe Ppize

Sioux City

S<aaN TtaNwaNgdhaN

St. Louis

NaNz<iN Z<ide TtaNwaNgdhaN


Ttikhe 'e Ama

(1) Omaha / (2) Ponca

Eguneratua / Updated: 1998.10.15

Laguntzaile / Source: John Koontz
Loturak / Links:
Lakota, Dakota:
Great Plains-Missouri region map:

Mapak / Maps

* Sioux eta beste herri batzuen lurrak (Omahak barne), legalki eman zaizkienak eta esijitzen dituztenak.
* Map of Sioux and other tribal lands (including Omaha), both currently assigned and claimed.

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