Personal Interests

I'm a person of many great interests. Most things that appeal to me are related to nature. I have a lot of interests in Native American history and arts(COMING SOON!). Also, Japanese history, cultures and art. Currently one of my favorite interests is ANIME. I've also been working a lot with genealogical research, so if you have any questions about how to get started, I might be able to provide you with some information. I use to play soccer in my younger days and even had the fortune of playing soccer when I was stationed overseas in Turkey. Due to being a military dependent and also being active duty in the Army, I was afforded the opportunity to go to places that most people never have or will. In my Travels section I've placed some links to countries, states and cities that I've been to and have enjoyed. In the Miscellaneous Stuff and Sites section I currently have two links. One link is to a weird site that a friend told me about. It is hilarious!! There are images, audio files and .mpeg video of engineers trying to find the quickest way to light charcoals in a barbecue grill. The other link is one of my latest writings on the Moral Decline of The American People.



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