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mIRC-Christian Command

I love the 4.0 Christian Command mIRC Client. It is very helpful to witness to others on irc chat and any Christian who loves to chat on irc needs this script. I'll let the creators of Christian Command tell you about their script below.

The following taken from Christian Command Homepage-
"Christian Command is a script designed for chatting on IRC. Christian Command is an entirely free program that runs on mIRC 5.6 (included in full install) and Pirch 98. CC allows you to minister to people on IRC, increase you spiritual life, and allow you to have fun chatting! One of our biggest features is the wide variety of popups that will allow you to demonstrate to your cyberfriends what being a Christian is all about. Parables and spiritual warfare are at the click of a mouse. Bible verses are available on demand. And peoples lives can be changed with the built in preaching that can aid as a witnessing tool. The possiblities are endless.

What exactly is Christian Command?
Well, to understand Christian Command, you have to understand IRC. IRC is a network of computers (or servers) that allows you to communicate with many people all over the world. You can log onto a IRC server and chat with anyone else logged onto these servers. "So how do I log on to these servers to chat with people?" Well... you need a program that connects you to the servers and lets you send and get information (much like an email program).

There are hundreds of programs that let you connected to IRC, but there are a few of these programs that are really good. Two of which are mIRC and Pirch. mIRC and Pirch have tried very hard to make their application as fully featured as possible. In their endeavors they have created a programming language that is specific to their program. This language allows the user to create programs and features of their own. These Addons are called Scripts.

Christian Command is a christian addon for mIRC (and Pirch). It allows you to play sounds files, show colorful sayings, easily search the bible, and comes with a built in Bible Bot."

Now to get the full install of Christian Command which also provides the mIRC client version 5.6 click HERE!. A new browser window will open. ENJOY!


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