Most of following writings are my term papers. The last one is my thesis for Master's degree in Political Science. I hope you enjoy following "poor" articles and not to hesitate to give me bitter comments and critiques. However, I am sorry for misspellings and unproper grammers in them due to the language barrier.

Master's Thesis


The Inviability of the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime in the Post-Cold War Era: Nuclear Proliferation in Northeast Asia and the Future of the Regime

This is my Master's thesis. I argue that the international nuclear nonproliferation regime will collapse in the near future because of two reasons: endogeneous and exogenous factors. I support my thesis with a highly likely scenario of the nuclear proliferation in Northeast Asia.

"Nuclear-Weapon States are Terrorist States"

Prepared for the class of International Terrorism.Any state having nuclear weapons have to be regarded "terrorist states" becuase any use of nuclear weapons cannot avoid the characteristics of act of terrorism.

"To Be or Not To Be: Too Many Questions"

A short essay on "Hamlet" done for the class of Ethics in Foreign Policy. Hamlet is one of the most famous figures of tragedy. I claim in this essay that the reason for tragedic end is because of his inactivity.

The Difficulties in Facing with Low-Intensity Conflicts in the Post-Cold War World

Written for Low-Intensity Conflict class. The Cold War has ended but there seems to continue Low-intensity conflicts. I diogonse the problem with LIC and make suggestions about how to deal with it. Some related thought on current Kosovo crisis.


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