Sept. 1, 2000


We can hardly believe that Cassie is almost two years old!! She's definately started to "act big", but she's still so much like a baby. She's grown a lot(weighs 29 lbs.) and mom is getting big muscles from carrying her around!! :)

She can say MaMa, DaDa, Baby, Uh Oh, Mamie (for sister Jamie), Yea, Huh?, Da (for brother Josh) and Bye-Bye. She can't say much but she communicates volumes by using her few words, several signs and various noises w/ expressions!! She can definitely understand a lot!! She's started speech therapy this summer. We want to help her communicate with us (using simple words and signs) so that she doesn't get too frustrated.

Cassie had foot surgery on her left club foot in June, 2000. The doctor lengthened her tight heel cord, moved tendons around and even cut out a piece of bone. Cassie healed well and wore a cast for 7 weeks. She's happy to be able to stand again, but it will take a couple months to work up her strength to try taking some steps with her new walker and new AFO's (braces). She made some good progress last spring and was able to stand and bear weight for a few minutes and take a couple steps with a borrowed walker. She was so proud to learn how to climb (and back down) stairs!! She often asks to sit on a couch or a chair all by herself and thinks she's so big!

Cassie loves blowing bubbles, playing in water, sleeping with her 'babyz', eating Cheese Puffs and riding on the back of mom's bike!! She loves to wave to people and get their attention and smiles. She is a very happy and content little girl. We continue to be amazed and blessed at how well she is doing. Mom can't wait for her to get bigger and be able to tell us what she's thinking! Josh is a great big brother who loves to do "pop-a-wheelies" with her stroller! Jamie is a nurturing and loving sister who has introduced Cassie to baby dolls and dress-up clothes. I'm Havin' Fun Playin with Big Bro! Cassie's face brightens everyday when Daddy comes home from work and wrestles with her!! We are so blessed!

Playin' Dress Up--Oh, Don't we look pretty!
A Poem for Cassidy --Pg 2 Cassidy--pg 3-- Cassidy--pg 4--
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