Welcome to my Memories Of Love Quilt.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing your
memorial square with me.

People say you'll get
over it in time
They say that someday
you'll pass through
all the darkness and tears,
and step into the sunshine again,
at peace with your memories
and with yourself...
And it's true-
Someday you will.
For now, though, please understand
that if you don't want
to let go just yet,
you don't have to.
And you won't have to either...
not until you know in your heart
that it's time

Below is my memorial square.
If you'd like to add it to your quilt, please link it to

If you'd like to contribute to my Memories Of Love Quilt...

I would love to add your 130 x 130 square.
Please include your url link.

< It would be great if you'd please take
a few minutes to place your thoughts
& comments in my guest book.

My Quilt Squares

The beautiful poem was found at
AngelWink's Card Shoppe