Alfred's Friends Photo Gallery

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Hey, lookie here! Pictures of me at work! These pictures were taken when I went for sampling in the field (mostly Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve and Lumut, Perak). Also, there are some pictures of people who involved in the sampling.

The usual bunch.
This is part of the group that usually goes for my field trips. Thats me on the left, Dr. Shigeo Hayase (from Japan), Raymond and Ali on the right. Dr. Hayase was the coordinator of our project but has since moved back to Japan to do other good deeds. We are aboard a otter-trawl boat.
Mucking about in the mud is good fun. Here we are doing some sampling in the mangrove forest. From left to right are Raymond, Ali, me(!) and Kasi. We are actually digging holes (well Raymond does most of the digging) in the mud, so Ali can see what little wormies (among other things) live in there.
More mud!
Mmmm...glorious mud. I'm here, good and dirty, proving that I actually do do some work (once in a while). Bloody damn mosquitoes! And there were huge flies with even huger green eyes that bite. Thats right, they drill a hole in your flesh for dinner! OUCH! They kill! But then, the compensation was being able to look to balitong, which are edible snails that hang on mangrove trees! Yummy, when fried with chilli and garlic.
Speed Boat Demon
When the work is done, it is time to have some fun! Wow! Look at me. I'm the captain of the boat.
Speed Boat Demon II - the Sequel
Here I am, still terrorising the waterways of Matang. Liz is in the boat to make sure I don't do anything destructive to it (after all she was the one who rented the boat). Elizabeth (Liz) Ashton was a PhD student from the UK whose work concerned tropical mangrove forests. She had some cooperation with my supervisor, Dr. Chong, and that is how we met.
Dinner Time.
After a hard days work, it is time to pig out. Here we are, posing in front of the aftermath of dinner. But seriously, Taiping (in Perak) has some of the best food I've tasted and at a very cheap price too! It also has one of the best value-for-money hotels that I've been to in Peninsular Malaysia - the Panorama Hotel (and no, I wasn't paid to do that plug - I do think they are good).
At Liz's Place.
Because Liz was here for about 6 months, she rented a house near the Taiping Lake Gardens. Its the most traditional Malay house I've been into. Authentic too, with mosquitoes, several coconut trees, a durian tree and a rambutan tree. In the picture above, we retire to her house to rest after dinner and are perusing some pictures that she and Roger took. It Ali, me and Roger (L to R) in the picture.

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