HaT Polybians


HaT #8017 - Princeps

HaT #8017 - Princeps

HaT #8017 - Princeps

Alrighty, Julius and the boys are finally in plastic!! (And click here to see what they look like painted).

These figures are a little glossy (I've yet to wash them down), and they do have a little bit of flash. Also, the top right fellow does look as though he's been chewing his sheild. I expect that the production runs don't have this problem.

What I'm trying to say is that the figures do acutally look a bit better than this! 'Cept maybe the pilums. They don't look that crash hot. For the fanatic (and you'd have to be fanatical to be bothered!), you could always replace them with Esci ones.


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