HaT 8043 Phalangites

(August 2001)

HaT 8043 Phalangites - Box Art

HaT 8043 Phalangites

(scanned at 72dpi & 100% - this is pretty much their actual size)

You get four of these sprues per box of figures. Total of 48 miniatures.

HaT 8043 Phalangites - Close Up

(Close up (aprox 200%) of the top half of the sprue...)

HaT 8043 Phalangites - Close Up

(...and the bottom half)

You're not going to be able to use all of these poses for your DBx pike elements, as some are holding their pikes staight out ahead of them. They'd get all tangled up with their opponents, preventing front edge/corner to corner contact (ie legal DBx combat). But there seems to be enough in 'sensible' poses (from the DBx perspective) to make a decent number of elements, and you may well be able to convert one or two of the other poses to your DBx needs.

Note: these miniatues don't actually come with pikes due to problems with trying to make them in plastic (too long + too thin = too hard! They just wouldn't come out...). I was thinking about using 1/32nd brass rod (like my Sarmations), but Andy Dempster has just forwarded me this cool idea...

Believe it or not I have yet another way to represent pikes than those already listed on the web; the Andy way is to clip the handle end off a sparkler (once it has been used to entertain the kids). It gives a nice wire rod to make a long pike...I...[got] great pleasure when I arrived home from work to my son [who] brought me out a lovely parcel and then my daughter joined us as we happily unwrapped the parcel and spent the evening enjoying using up the sparklers and turning them into pikes.

I'm sure the kids would appreciate it! Thanks Andy.

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