Zvezda Greek Infantry

A Review by Jason Moffatt

Box Art

(Actually reproduced without permission!)

A superb set. I can't comment on their suitability for a Greek DBx army as I don't play DBx, but I hope the following breakdown will be useful.

The box contains 45 figures:
  • 30 Hoplites: All the hoplites carry the "hoplon" shield. Each shield is heavily embossed with one of several different devices, some have a "lamda", some a bird, some a dragon's head etc. Some shields are detachable and so could be replaced or discarded(!). All hoplites wear "Corinthian" helmets. They are armed with either a sword, or spear (detachable, could be relaced by some other weapon) as detailed below:

    • 4 Hoplites sword raised striding forward. Detachable shield.

    • 4 Hoplites sword extended running forward.

    • 3 Hoplites "Kopis" sword held behind, hoplon to the front, defensive stance.

    • 3 Hoplites "Kopis" sword raised behind head, kneeling to recieve attack from above.

    • 4 Hoplites with couched spear.

    • 4 Hoplites with spear at shoulder.

    • 4 Hoplites carrying spear at waist.

    • 4 Hoplites throwing spear.

Just the sort of fellows you'd want with you at Thermopylae.

Zvezda Greek Spearman

Zvezda Greek Swordsman

Zvezda Greek Archer

Zvezda Greek C in C 
Also included are:
  • 2 Psiloi with Javelins, "Boeotian" helmet.

  • 3 Peltasts with Javelins and Pelta, Persian(?) style leather hat.

  • 3 standing archers, "Corinthian" helmet.

  • 3 kneeling archers, "Pilos" helmet and shield.

  • 2 slingers, "Boeotian" helmet.

  • 1 piper. (Not the scottish sort.)

  • 1 commander figure, variation of "Corinthian helmet", unarmed, enveloped in long cloak. This figure appears to be based on the ancient figurine of a cloaked Spartan warrior you may have seen in some books. Very cool. Make an excellent Leonidas!

All in all a terrific assortment of poses and troop types. The moulding is good with nice deep detail and almost no flash on the set I purchased. The poses are dynamic and lifelike and much more active than those of the Atlantic (re-released by Nexus) set. The side of the box shows pictures from three other Zvezda sets, Macedonian cavalry, Persian cavalry and Persian infantry, I hope they use the same sculptor for those sets!

[Thanks Jason, much appreciated! If anyone want's to contact the author, please click here.


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