Free Alina Lebedeva
Alina is no Hooligan
This site is in support of Alina Lebedeva from Latvia. Alina is the 16-year-old girl who gave Prince Charles a slap in the face with a bunch of flowers in protest over Britain's involvement in the war against Afghanistan. She is provisionally charged with endangering the life of foreign dignitary. If found guilty she could face up to 15 (fifteen) years in prison.

UPDATE (29 November 2001): Alina was released from custody after three nights in a remand cell pending trial. She is under police surveillance, meaning that she has to report every evening to the main police station in her hometown Daugavpils. The Prosecutor General's spokesman Dzintra Subrovska said charges of "threatening the health and life of a high foreign official" which carried a 15-year prison sentence would not be brought against her. It looked like Alina would be charged with
hooliganism (see also link). Alina Lebedeva is facing up to two years in prison if convicted.

UPDATE (15 December 2001): The authorities in Latvia have dropped charges of hooliganism. An official of the prosecutor's office said that the teenager was found to be a diligent student and had no previous criminal record.  There is still a possibility that she will be required to do community work or face other correctional measures, including being sent to a special reform school.

UPDATE (21 January 2002): A court in Riga has ordered Alina to undergo "educational measures" and also ordered Alina's mother to keep a closer eye on her daughter. If Alina commits a crime or engages in hooliganism again, her mother could be put on trial. Judge Andis Celms ordered the educational measures for up to one year without expanding on what they will be. Lawyers in the Baltic state said the ruling was the most lenient one that the teenager could have hoped for.

1. YEAR ANNIVERSARY (8 November 2002): We haven't heard from Alina in a long time. But no matter where you are, this world still needs courageous people like you. Now more than ever.
Click for the sequence of the event
Prince Charles beeing slapped with a flower by Alina Lebedeva in protest against Britains involvement in the war against Afghanistan;
Riga, Latvia, 8 November 2001
Charles' flower attacker ordered to 'learn', Ananova 21 January 2002
Prince Charles flower attacker won't be charged, Ananova, 15 December 2001
Prince's flower attacker off the hook, BBC News, 14 December 2001
La jeune Lettone qui avait frappé le prince Charles inculpée, Voila, 30 November 2001
Charles' flower attacker faces hooliganism charge, Alina  Lebedeva is to be charged with
  hooliganism and faces up to two years in prison if convicted, Ananova, 29 November 2001
Une jeune Lettone qui a agressé le prince Charles "ne regrette pas", Le Monde, 26 November
Meet the carnation terrorist, Despite risking up to 15 years in prison, the 16-year-old girl who
  swatted Britain's Prince Charles with a carnation to protest the war in Afghanistan says she has
  no regrets, South African Press Association, 25 November 2001
Flower Girl Sorry, 16-year-old girl who slapped Prince Charles with a flower earlier this month
  has sent a note apologizing for the incident, her father said, Moscow Times, 23 November 2001
Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga said the media had over-dramatized...
  BNS-CITY PAPER, 14 November 2001
Flower Power, Amelia Gentleman  meets the unrepentant anti-war protester, Guardian,
  13 November 2001
Royal plea gets flower attacker out of jail, Ananova, 12 November 2001
Prince Charles' Carnation Attacker Freed, Stuff, 12 November 2001
Charles bittet um Gnade fuer Blumenattentaeterin, Spiegel, 10 November 2001
Prince's attacker faces 15 years, Guardian, 10 November 2001
Prince defends Flower Girl Attacker, Ananova, 10 November 2001
Family of schoolgirl protester ask Prince Charles to intervene, Ananova, 9 November 2001
Schoolgirl charged with endangering Prince's Life, Ananova, 9 November 2001
Prince Charles hit by War Protester, Ananova, 8 November 2001

Reply Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia regarding Alina Lebedeva,
   courtesy of anon., thank you
Entry in the diary of Prince Charles for 8 November 2001, no mentioning of the incident was
  made  here
Official Picture Gallery of the Prince of Wales,  Funny enough it includes a picture which must
  have been taken only minutes if not seconds before the incident, see photo below

Taken from the official website of Prince Charles - no Alina
Links (contd.):
Latvia in NATO, one of the things Alina protested against
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
Homepage of the President of Latvia, the woman who labelled Alina "mentally unstable"
Alina Lebedeva, Shady Productions (publishers of underground poetry and prose) Support Site
The Girl of Flowers or Saint Veronica, or The Rehabilitation of Prince Charls, or The Rehabilitation
  of Flower Girl byJurate Macnoriute

Emails of Support / Guestbook / Forum / call it what you want

to reply just remove NO-SPAM from the email address
(I might want to add that I don't know Alina Lebedeva personally. So I can't put people in touch with her.  But if you want to send me an email I can post it at the
Support Site. You never know, she just might find this website and try to make contact.)

Hero of the Soviet Union
Lenin Medal
and the Victory Medal
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