Empyreal's Domain - http://fly.to/empyreal

Angels EmbraceI was born in Jackson, MI, on January 10, 1980 one month prior to the 'official' due date.  Some joke this was the only time in my life in which I was early.  Even before my second birthday, I discovered the joy of creative expression, started drawing as soon as I could pick up a pencil, and I haven't stopped since. Since that time, I've completed three full-color comics, created several stop-motion "Mini Me" - Christmas, 1981animations, shot three short movies, and created countless drawings and animations.

Call it what you will, but I've always been driven to be more than just another face in the crowd. Every project I've laid hands on has been an improvement on the last in terms of complexity and difficulty, and stubbornly, I always have risen to the challenge.

Graduation, Dec. 2001Currently, this 24-year-old ASU grad resides in Mesa, Arizona, looking for employment in the fields of animation and game design. In 2002, my student movie project Dark Epiphany screened at the Phoenix Film Festival. Other projects are currently in the works, with plans to screen them as well.

To keep up on the latest news, check my LiveJournal. I am trying to get back into the habit of using it. I also have a good deal more information on my List of Favorites page, and a list of clubs I've joined and interests I have on my Yahoo Profile.

Tim the Capricorn and Katie the Leo



Random scraps and tidbits...

I am a Capricorn, and I was born in the Chinese year of the Monkey.

My Kiersey personality type is INFJ (Idealist counsellor).

My "personality colors" are blue and green, evenly matched.

My Enneagram type is #4, the Artist/Romantic.

I believe the capacity to comfortably doubt everything is a virtue. I also believe the capacity to see the value in everything is a virtue.

I keep myself entertained in my spare time by reading books on modern physics and philosophy.

As a child, I had two pictures of two famous faces on my wall: Walt Disney and Albert Einstein.

My IQ is higher than average. (136). I am classified by emode's test as a Visionary Philosopher.

I keep a sketchbook handy at all times. You never know when the good ideas will hit.

I love psychology, illusions, puzzles, and enigmas.

Deep conversation entices me.

I sometimes act out or speak out scenes that I imagine in order to better write or draw them. In private, of course!

I have an odd sense of humor.

As a child, I used to create imaginary characters and the world they inhabit. This wild imagination hasn't exactly gone away.

I love the sound of foreign and exotic languages. I also love the look of runes and ancient written languages.

I studied Japanese for three years. You'd think I'd remember more.

My high school has a sign in front of it that I designed.


I owe everything that I am to everyone I have known, to those who have loved me, especially my parents, and even to those who hated me.

I make it a point to stay on good terms with people I've known.

Making people laugh or think are my greatest joys in life.

One of my favorite philosophers is Jean-Paul Sartre.

I met the creator of the Animaniacs and Tiny Toons.  He told my art teacher I was a genius. My head has not deflated since.

There are very few things that I believe.  There are many other, often contradictory things that I theorize about.

I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs.  Music and love are my "drugs" of choice. Ok, so I do have an occasional beer.

If it ever sounds like I'm bragging, I'm only trying to convince myself.