Empyreal's Domain - http://fly.to/empyreal

Kinds of music: Industrial, electronica, goth, metal, rock, 80's synth-pop, techno, trance, Baroque, contemporary classical, and a little swing and ska.

Musical artists: Depeche Mode, Stabbing Westward, VAST, Delerium, Front Line Assembly, Robert Miles, Savage Garden, KMFDM / MDFMK, Machines of Loving Grace, Chicane, Erasure, God Lives Underwater, Lords of Acid, Crystal Method, Fluke, and Velvet Acid Christ.

Individual songs: "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode, "Touched" by VAST, and "Butterfly Wings" by Machines of Loving Grace.

Artists: M.C. Escher, Salvador Dali, Michelangelo, Bernini, Caravaggio, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Frank Frazetta, Yoshitaka Amano, and Brian Froud.

Directors/Producers:  Hayao Miyazaki, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, Terry Gilliam, Kevin Smith, Satoshi Kon, the Wachowski brothers, and David Fincher.

Colors: Forest green, black, brown, tan

Animals: wolves, lizards, ferrets, and dragons.   And Pikachu!  :)

Kind of ice cream: Cappuccino chocolate chunk, cookie dough, and cookies and cream  



Movies: Fight Club, Perfect Blue, Grave of the Fireflies, Ghost in the Shell, Contact, 12 Monkeys, 5th Element, The Matrix, Back to the Future trilogy, Sleepy Hollow, The Dark Crystal, Romeo & Juliet, and Willow.

Actors / actresses: Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, Kevin Spacey, Ed Norton, Mel Gibson, Jason Biggs, Christina Ricci, Mena Suvari, Natalie Portman, and Helena Bonham Carter.

Authors: Chuck Palahniuk, R.A. Salvatore, Douglas Adams, Ray Bradbury, Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare

Historical Figures: Albert Einstein, Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha), Friedrich Nietzsche, Leonardo Da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, Stephen Hawking, Socrates, and Aristotle.

Types of food: Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, and Mexican