Coding Tips (JavaScript/CSS/VBA/Win32)

Useful code snippets, tips and some Windows applications

Some Java snippets and tips

Transfer data from Excel to Access with Java

Possible solution to NoClassDefFoundError

Remove duplicates from ArrayList

Replace substring in the same file

Sorting ArrayLists in Java

Create Sub-Directory From File Name

Read File Contents into ArrayList

List Files in a Directory

Convert a Collection to Array

Get File Name without extension from Its Path

Text File Splitter Class. Full code listed

Add single quotes around a String if it is not a number

A simple way to find data in an xml document with dom4j

Enumerate all keys of a Hashtable

Learn how to determine the next month in Java


Access Query Results By Column Index
Declaring arrays in JSTL
Enumerate request parameters

SWT Tips

Add A Listener for Tab Out Events
Make a control span 2 columns in a 2 column GridLayout

JSTL Pagination

JSTL code to split contents into several page


A basic tutorial for SWT Dialog-based application

Java Links

Sorting A Hashtable in Java
   Look for an additional example at the bottom.