Coding Tips (JavaScript/CSS/VBA/Win32)

Useful code snippets, tips and some Windows applications

VBA Functions

A Word VBA function to format an image to fit a required width.

This function will format all images in the document.
Based on the code from the Tribbs site
Sub FormatPic()

Dim iShapeCount As Integer
Dim iILShapeCount As Integer
Dim DocThis As Document
Dim J As Integer

Set DocThis = ActiveDocument
Dim origHeight As Integer
Dim origWidth As Integer
Dim scaleHeight As Double
Dim wid As Integer
wid = PixelsToPoints(350) 'reduce the width to 350 pixels
iILShapeCount = DocThis.InlineShapes.Count If iILShapeCount > 0 Then For J = 1 To iILShapeCount
origWidth = DocThis.InlineShapes(J).Width

scaleHeight = wid / origWidth

DocThis.InlineShapes(J).Width = (wid)

DocThis.InlineShapes(J).Height =
DocThis.InlineShapes(J).Height * scaleHeight
Next J
End If End Sub

A VBA function to extract the directory name from a file name.

Function GetDirName(selname As String)

Dim selName1 As String
Dim inFoundPos  As Integer

inFoundPos = InStrRev(selname, "\")
selName1 = Mid(selname, 1, inFoundPos)
GetDirName = selName1

End Function

A VBA function to insert a menu item

Sub InsertMenu()

Dim oMenuBar As CommandBar
Dim oNewMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim oSaveAsMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim SaveAsPosition As Integer

' Specify the CommandBar to add to. In this example, the New Menu
' item is added to the Word for Windows default File menu.

Set oMenuBar = CommandBars.Item("File")

 ' Find the position for the Save As menu
For I = 1 To oMenuBar.Controls.Count
   If oMenuBar.Controls(I).Caption = "Save &As..." Then
      SaveAsPosition = I
      Exit For
   End If
Next I

' Create a New Menu object and add it to the built-in Menu Bar.
Set oNewMenu = oMenuBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, _
   , , SaveAsPosition + 1)

With oNewMenu
   ' Give the menu item some display text.
   .Caption = "&Test"
   ' Specify macro to run when user clicks the menu item.
   .OnAction = "TestSub"
End With

End Sub

A VBA function to delete a menu item

Sub DeleteMenu()
Dim oMenuBar As CommandBar
Dim I As Integer

Set oMenuBar = CommandBars.Item("File")

For I = 1 To oMenuBar.Controls.Count
   If oMenuBar.Controls(I).Caption = "&Test" Then
      Exit For
   End If
Next I
End Sub

Additional Resources:
Lots of code snippets