eriktice's Page
This is my attempt to find every appearance of Adam Strange imaginable.
Most of the listings on this page are unconfirmed and I refuse to mark
them as confirmed until I see the appearance myself. This is so I will
resist the urge to let others to do all the work for me. Confirmed
sightings of Adam Strange (Issues I have either seen or own) will
eventually be in Bold Print.
My definition of "Appearance" is very similar to the definition
found in Laura
"Tegan" Gjovaag's Aquaman Sightings page. 1) In several panels
on a page taking some sort of significant action, 2)On multiple pages
taking some sort of significant action, 3) Says several lines, or 4) is
important to the plot in some way. You will note that number 4 allows for
a lot of interpretation, and may even allow for him to not actually appear
at all. However, I'll still be trying to stick to books Adam Strange is
actually drawn in though.
- 80 Page Giant No. 8 (Aug.-Oct. 1961) Reprints Showcase 17's "Secret of the Eternal City"
- Action Comics 437 (Jul. 1974) "Riddle of the Runaway Rockets"
Reprint of Mystery in Space 85
- Action Comics 443 (Jan. 1975) "The Super-Brain of Adam Strange"
Reprint Mystery in Space 87
- Action Comics 650 (Feb. 1990) Martian Manhunter retells JLofA 120 and 121
- Adam Strange Book 1: The Man Of Two Worlds "Adam Strange On Rann"
(Jan. 1990)
- Adam Strange Book 2: The Man Of Two Worlds "Wanted:Adam Strange"
(Jan. 1990)
- Adam Strange Book 3: The Man Of Two Worlds final
issue D:Alanna Strange (Jan. 1990)
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #1 (Sept. 2004)"The Return of Adam Strange"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #2 (Oct. 2004) "Lost In Space"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #3 (Nov. 2004) "Misery In Space!"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #4 (Dec. 2004) "Who Are The Omega Men?"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #5 (Feb. 2005) "On The Run"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #6 (Mar. 2005) "Video Violence"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #7 (Apr. 2005) "Battle Planet"
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist #8 (Jun. 2005) "Showdown"
- Adventures of Superman 570 (1999) Superman as Overseer of Rann
- All-New Collector's Edition #C-56 (1978) Superman vs. Ali
- The Amazing World of Carmine Infantino (Sept. 2000)
- Amazing World of DC Comics 10 (Jan. 1976) "No Cases Show Showcases" reprints Showcase covers
- Amazing World of DC Comics, Special Edition #1 (Feb. 1976)"Happy Anniversary, Hero" releases Adam Strange's Birthday.
- The Atlas of the DC Universe Sourcebook (1987)
- Best of DC Digest 11 Reprints Justice League of America 17
- The Best of DC 71 (Apr. 1986) Reprints DC Comics Presents 82
- Brave and the Bold 90 (Jun./Jul. 1970) Batman and Adam Strange Team Up "You Only Die Twice"
- Brave and the Bold 161 (Apr. 1980) Batman in Rann/Adam Strange on
Earth "A Tale Of Two Heroes"
- Brave and the Bold 190 (Sep. 1982) Batman/Adam Strange Team Up
"Who Killed Adam Strange?"
- The Comic Book: The One Essential Guide For Comic Book Fans Everywhere
(reprints covers of Showcase 17 and Secret Origins Annual 1 from 1961)
- Cosmic Odyssey Book One: Discovery (1988) Metron on Rann (no Adam Strange though)
- Cosmic Odyssey Book Two: Disaster (1988)
- Cosmic Odyssey Book Three: Decisions (1988)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths 5 (Aug. 1985) "Worlds in Limbo"
- Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 (Jan. 1986) "Death At The Dawn Of Time"
- Crisis On Infinite Earths 11 (Feb. 1986) "Aftershock"
- Crisis On Infinite Earths 12 (Mar. 1986) "Final Crisis"
- DC Challenge! 1 (Nov. 1985) "Outbreak!"
- DC Challenge! 3 (Jan. 1986) "Viking Vengeance"
- DC Challenge! 4 (Feb. 1986) "Atomic Nights"
- DC Challenge! 5 (Mar. 1986) "Thunderbolts and Lightning"
- DC Challenge! 6 (Apr. 1986) "A Matter of Anti Matter"
- DC Challenge! 7 (May 1986) "Don't Bogart that Grape... Hand Me the Gas
- DC Challenge! 9 (Jul. 1986) "All This and World War, Too"
- DC Challenge! 10 (Aug. 1986) "Jules Verne Was Right"
- DC Challenge! 11 (Sep. 1986) "How Can You Be in Two Places at Once
When You're Not Anywhere At All?"
- DC Challenge! 12 (Oct. 1986) "Fathers Against Sons"
- DC Comics Presents: Mystery in Space #1 (Sept. 2004) reprints Mystery in Space 82
- DC Comics Presents 3 (Nov. 1978) Superman/Adam Strange Team Up "The Riddle of Little Earth Lost"
- DC Comics Presents 82 (Jun. 1985) Superman/Adam Strange Team Up "The
Ghost Of Krypton Past"
- DC Special 1 (Oct.-Dec. 1968) Flash, Batman, Adam Strange Reprints Mystery in Space 57
- DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 14 (Oct. 1981) "Mechanical Masters of Rann" Reprints
Mystery in Space 65
- DC Super-Stars 2 (Apr. 1976) Reprints Mystery in Space 90
- DC Super-Stars 4 (Jun. 1976) Reprints Mystery in Space 91
- DC Super-Stars 6 (Aug. 1976) Reprints Mystery in Space 88
- DC Super-Stars 8 (Oct. 1976) Reprints Mystery in Space 89
- Elvira's House of Mystery 7 (Sep. 1986) Elvira and Strange cover appearance in "Star Born"
The Essential Showcase (Jan. 1992) Anthology Reprints Showcase 1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 17 and covers of Showcase 18 and 19.
- The Flash 210 (Nov. 1971) Adam Strange Cover Appearance.
- Firestorm, The Nuclear Man #80 (Holiday 1988) "The Battle Joined!"
- Greatest Team Up Stories Ever Told (Jan. 1990) Reprint Mystery in Space 90
- Green Lantern 132 (Sep. 1980) Begin Adam Strange
Backups "Brain Beast"
- Green Lantern 133 (Oct. 1980) "Siege On Ranagar"
- Green Lantern 134 (Nov. 1980) "Earth Ground"
- Green Lantern 135 (Dec. 1980) "The Zeta-Bomb Maneuver"
- Green Lantern 136 (Jan. 1981) "The Game Players of Rann"
- Green Lantern 137 (Feb. 1981) Carmine Infantino and Murphy
Anderson Special Adam Strange "The Secret of Adam Strange"
- Green Lantern 138 (Mar. 1981) "Alanna's New York Adventure"
- Green Lantern 139 (Apr. 1981) "The Mer-Queen of Rann"
- Green Lantern 140 (May 1981) "Leviathan"
- Green Lantern 141 (Jun. 1981) "Doom In the Citadel of Ice"
- Green Lantern 142 (Jul. 1981) "The Crystal Peril"
- Green Lantern 143 (Aug. 1981) "Adam Strange: Outlaw of Rann"
- Green Lantern 144 (Sep. 1981) "The Final Battle"
- Green Lantern 145 (Oct. 1981) "Adam Strange Vs. The Shadow
- Green Lantern 146 (Nov. 1981) "The Shadow Children"
- Green Lantern 147 (Dec. 1981) Last Adam Strange Backup in Green
Lantern "Peril From the Past"
- Green Lantern 38 (Apr. 1993) Hal Jordan Green Lantern Vs. Adam
Strange "Life Decisions" 1st appearance of Aleea Strange (Adam Strange's
daughter) since Adam Strange Book Three
- Green Lantern 39 (May 1993) Hal Jordan Green Lantern/Adam Strange
Team Up "Life Forces"
- Green Lantern 74 (May 1996) Adam Strange/Darkstars/Green Lantern Team Up on Rann "Who Will Die?"
- Green Lantern 75 (June 1996) Adam Strange/Darkstars/Green
Lantern Team Up on Rann "Last Stand"
- Green Lantern and Adam Strange 1(Oct. 2000) Adam Strange/Green Lantern team up "Circle of Fire part 1: Darkness Visible "
- Hawkman Archives Volume 1 (Aug. 2000) reprints Mystery in Space 90
- Hawkman 18 (Feb./Mar. 1967) "The World That Vanished"
- Hawkman 19 (Apr./May 1967) "Parasite Planet Peril"
- Hawkman Vol.4 #46 (Nov. 2005)"Sins of the Past, Present and Future" just before Rann-Thanagar War 1
- Hawkman Vol.4 #47 (Dec. 2005) "This Means Rann-Thanagar War!"
- Hawkman Vol.4 #48 (Jan. 2006) "Destiny!"
- Hawkman Vol.4 #49 (Feb. 2006) "Beyond the Rann-Thanagar War - Crisis!"
- History of the DC Universe 2 (1988)
- Impulse 68 (Jan. 2001)
- Impulse 69 (Feb. 2001)
- Invasion! 1 (Jan. 1988) "The Alien Alliance"
- Invasion! 2 (Jan. 1988) "Battleground Earth"
- Invasion! 3 (Jan. 1988) "World Without Heroes"
- JLA Secret Files 1 C:Adam Strange
- JLA Secret Files 2 "Warrior of Two Worlds" 1999 character profile
- JLA Secret Origins TPB (Nov. 2002)
- JLA: Strength in Numbers TPB
- Just Imagine Stan Lee With Jerry Ordway Creating JLA One-Shot (Feb. 2002)
- Justice League Archives 3 Reprints Justice League of America 17
- Justice League of America 3 (Mar. 1961) "The Slave Ship of Space" O:Kanjor Ro,Adam Strange's arch nemesis
- Justice League of America 4 (May 1961) "Doom of the Star Diamond" Flash nominates Adam Strange to Justice League (leads to Mystery In Space 75)
- Justice League of America 17 (Feb. 1963) Cameo role "Triumph of the Tornado Tyrant"
- Justice League of America 24 (Dec. 1963) "Decoy Missions of the
Justice League"
- Justice League of America 96 (Mar. 1972) 1 page Cameo "The Coming
- Justice League of America 100 (Aug. 1972) 1 panel Cameo "The Unknown
Soldier of Victory"
- Justice League of America 120 (Jul. 1975) "The Parallel Perils of
Adam Strange"
- Justice League of America 121 (Aug. 1975) Wedding of Adam Strange
and Alanna. "The Hero Who Jinxed The Justice League"
- Justice League of America 138 (Jan. 1977) "Adam Strange -- Puppet of Time"
- Justice League of America 139 (Feb. 1977) "The Cosmic Conspiracy Against Adam Strange"
- Justice League of America 193 (Aug. 1981) "Secret of Genesis" 1 page
flashback Cameo
- Justice League of America 200 (Mar. 1982) "A League Divided"
- Justice League of America archives #1 (Hardcover reprints for Justice League of America 1-4.
- Justice League of America 100 pg Super Spectacular #1 (1975)reprints Mystery in Space 75
- Justice League America 20 R:Alanna Strange "Mystery in Space!"
- Justice League America 21 R:Alanna Strange "Strange New Worlds"
- Justice League of America Super-Spectactular No. 1 (Mar. 1999) Reprints Mystery in Space 75
- Kingdom Come 2 Appearance of an adult Aleea Strange
- Kingdom Come 3 Appearance of an adult Aleea Strange
- Legends of the DC Universe 80 Page Giant #1 (Aug. 1998) "Puzzle of the Phantom Spaceman"
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #14 (April 1990)"The Sound of Silence" [Behind the scenes]
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #15 (May 1990)"Nightmares" [Behind the scenes]
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #16 (June 1990)"Monster, Monster!" [Behind the scenes]
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #17 (July 1990)"The Power of Positive Thinking" [Behind the scenes]
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #18 (August 1990)"From the Jaws of Victory..." [Behind the scenes]
- Limited Collector's Edition 46 (Aug. 1977) Reprints Justice League of America 24
- Millennium #8 (February 1988) "The Rising and Advancing of Ten Spirits"
- Mysteries in Space Trade Paperback. (1980) Reprints Mystery in Space
75 and Showcase 17's "Secret of the Eternal City"
- Mystery in Space 53 (Aug. 1959) 4th Appearance of Adam Strange
"Menace of the Robot Raiders"
- Mystery in Space 54 (Sep. 1959) "Invaders of the Underground World"
- Mystery in Space 55 (Nov. 1959) "The Beast from the Runaway World"
- Mystery in Space 56 (Dec. 1959) "The Menace of the Super-Atom"
- Mystery in Space 57 (Feb. 1960) "Mystery of the Giant Footsteps"
- Mystery in Space 58 (Mar. 1960) "Chariot in the Sky"
- Mystery in Space 59 (May 1960) "The Duel of the Two Adam Stranges"
- Mystery in Space 60 (Jun. 1960) "The Attack From The Tentacle World"
- Mystery in Space 61 (Aug. 1960) "Threat of the Tornado Tyrant"
- Mystery in Space 62 (Sep. 1960) "The Beast With the Sizzling Blue
- Mystery in Space 63 (Nov. 1960) "The Weapon That Swallowed Men"
- Mystery in Space 64 (Dec. 1960) "The Radioactive Menace"
- Mystery in Space 65 (Feb. 1961) "Mechanical Masters of Rann"
- Mystery in Space 66 (Mar. 1961) "Space Island of Peril"
- Mystery in Space 67 (May 1961) "Challenge of the Giant Fireflies"
- Mystery in Space 68 (Jun. 1961) "Fadeaway Doom"
- Mystery in Space 69 (Aug. 1961) "Menace of the Aqua-Ray Weapon"
- Mystery in Space 70 (Sep. 1961) "Vengeance of the Dust Devil"
- Mystery in Space 71 (Nov. 1961) "The Challenge of the Crystal
- Mystery in Space 72 (Dec. 1961) "The Multiple Menace Weapon"
- Mystery in Space 73 (Feb. 1962) "The Invisible Invaders of Rann"
- Mystery in Space 74 (Mar. 1962) "The Spaceman Who Fought Himself"
- Mystery in Space 75 (May 1962) Justice League of America Crossover
"The Planet That Came To A Standstill"
- Mystery in Space 76 (Jun. 1962) "Challenge of the Rival Starman"
- Mystery in Space 77 (Aug. 1962) "Ray Gun in the Sky"
- Mystery in Space 78 (Sep. 1962) "Shadow People of the Eclipse"
- Mystery in Space 79 (Nov. 1962) "The Metal Conqueror of Rann"
- Mystery in Space 80 (Dec. 1962) "The Deadly Shadows of Adam Strange"
- Mystery in Space 81 (Feb. 1963) "The Cloud Creature That Menaced Two
- Mystery in Space 82 (Mar. 1963) "World War on Earth and Rann"
- Mystery in Space 83 (May 1963) "The Emotion-Master of Space"
- Mystery in Space 84 (Jun. 1963) "The Powerless Weapons of Adam Strange"
- Mystery in Space 85 (Aug. 1963) "Riddle of the Runaway Rockets"
- Mystery in Space 86 (Sep. 1963) "Attack of the Underworld
- Mystery in Space 87 (Nov. 1963) "The Super-Brain of
Adam Strange"; Hawkman BU "Amazing Thefts of the IQ Gang"
- Mystery in Space 88 (Dec. 1963) "The Robot-Wraith
of Rann" Hawkman BU
- Mystery in Space 89 (Feb. 1964) "Siren of the Space Ark" Hawkman BU
- Mystery in Space 90 (Mar. 1964) Hawkman Appearance "Planets in Peril"
- Mystery in Space 91 (May 1964) "Puzzle of the Perilous Prisons"
- Mystery in Space 92 (Jun. 1964) Space Ranger Cover "The Alien
Invasion From Earth"
- Mystery in Space 93 (Aug. 1964) Space Ranger Cover "The Convict
Twins From Space"
- Mystery in Space 94 (Sep. 1964) Space Ranger/Adam Strange Team Up
"Riddle of Two Solar Systems"
- Mystery in Space 95 (Nov. 1964) "The Hydra-Head From Outer
- Mystery in Space 96 (Dec. 1964) "The Coins That Doomed Two
- Mystery in Space 97 (Feb. 1965) "The Day Adam Strange Vanished"
- Mystery in Space 98 (Mar. 1965) "The Wizard of the Cosmos"
- Mystery in Space 99 (May 1965) "The World-Destroyer From Space"
- Mystery in Space 100 (Jun. 1965) "The Death of Alanna"
- Mystery in Space 102 (Sep. 1965) "The Robot World of Ancient
- Pulp Fiction Library: Mystery In Space (1981) reprints Mystery in Space 63
- Rann-Thanagar War 1 (Jul. 2005) "The Fires of War" Whose Side Are You On?
- Rann-Thanagar War 2 (Aug. 2005) "Dark Resurrection"
- Rann-Thanagar War 3 (Sep. 2005) "Planetfall" Adam Strange vs. Hawkwoman!
- Rann-Thanagar War 4 (Oct. 2005) "Deadly Harvest" Original Synn!
- Rann-Thanagar War 5 (Nov. 2005) "Betrayed" Wings of War D:Hawkwoman
- Rann-Thanagar War 6 (Jan. 2006) "Seven Hells" The Causualties of War
- Rann-Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special (Apr. 2006) "Hands of Fate" D:Jade and Kyle Rayner becomes Ion
- Red Tornado 3 (Sep. 1985) "The Eye of the Storm" flashback to Mystery in
Space 61
- Secret Origins 17 (Aug. 1987) Adam Strange and Dr. Occult Origins
- Showcase 17 (Nov./Dec. 1958) 1st Appearance and Origin of Adam
Strange. "Secret of the Eternal City" and "The Planet and the Pendulum"
- Showcase 18 (Jan./Feb. 1959) 2nd Appearance "Invaders from the Atomic
Universe" and "The Dozen Dooms of Adam Strange"
- Showcase 19 (Mar./Apr. 1959) 3rd Appearance "Challenge of the
Star Hunter" and "Mystery of the Mental Menace"
- Showcase 100 (May 1978) "There Shall Come A Gathering"
- Showcase 101 (Jun. 1978) Hawkman/Hawkgirl/Adam Strange
Team Up "Mystery In Space"
- Showcase 102 (Jul. 1978) Hawkman/Hawkgirl/Adam Strange Team Up
"Strange Adventures"
- Showcase 103 (Aug. 1978) Hawkman/Hawkgirl/Adam Strange Team Up
"Adventures on Other Worlds"
- Silver Age: Showcase (Aug. 2000) Adam Strange as memeber of the new Seven Soldiers of Victory
- Starman 5 (Holiday 1988) Starman is Will Payton "Don't You Know There's A War On?"
- Starman 52 (Apr. 1999) "Men Of Two Worlds"
Jack Knight Starman since 1994
- Starman 53 (May 1999) "The Long Goodbye"
- Starman 56 (Aug. 1999)"City Without Light, Part II: Bad Times Loom"
- Starman 62 (Feb. 2000) Adam Strange guest star "Grand Guignol, Part 1: ...And What Went Before."
- Starman 63 (Mar. 2000) Adam Strange guest star "Grand Guignol, Part 2: Friends and Lovers"
- Starman 67 (Jun. 2000) Adam Strange guest star
- Starman 71 (Nov. 2000) Adam Strange guest star
- Starman 73 (Jan. 2001) Adam Strange guest star "Grand Guignol: Eulogy"
- Starman 80 (2002?) Adam Strange guest star
- Strange Adventures 157 (Oct. 1963) Space Museum Story starring Alan Strange, Adam's descendant
- Strange Adventures 217 (Mar./Apr. 1969) Begin Adam Strange reprints
with "Secret of the Eternal City" Reprint Showcase 17
- Strange Adventures 218 (May/Jun. 1969) "The Planet and the
Pendulum" Reprint Showcase 17
- Strange Adventures 219 (Jul./Aug. 1969) "Menace of the Robot
Raiders" Reprint Mystery in Space 53
- Strange Adventures 220 (Sep./Oct. 1969) "The Beast from the Runaway
World" Reprint Mystery in Space 55
- Strange Adventures 221 (Nov./Dec. 1969) "The Duel of the Two Adam
Stranges" Reprint Mystery in Space 59
- Strange Adventures 222 (Jan./Feb. 1970) 1st new Adam Strange since
1965. "Beyond the Wall of Death"
- Strange Adventures 223 (Mar./Apr. 1970) "The Beast With the Sizzling
Blue Eyes"
Reprint Mystery in Space 62
- Strange Adventures 224 (May/Jun. 1970) "The Weapon That Swallowed Men"
Reprint Mystery in Space 63
- Strange Adventures 225 (Jul./Aug. 1970) "The Radioactive Menace"
Reprint Mystery in Space 64
- Strange Adventures 226 (Sep./Oct. 1970) "The Mechanical Masters of
Rann" (reprint of Mystery In Space 65) and "Magic-Maker of Rann" (2nd new
Adam Strange since 1965)
- Strange Adventures 227 (Nov./Dec. 1970) "Challenge of the Giant
Fireflies" Reprint Mystery in Space 67
- Strange Adventures 228 (Jan./Feb. 1971) "Fadeaway Doom" Reprint
Mystery in Space 68
- Strange Adventures 229 (Mar./Apr. 1971) "Menace of the Aqua-Ray
Weapon" Reprint Mystery in Space 69
- Strange Adventures 230 (May/Jun. 1971) "Vengeance of the Dust Devil"
Reprint Mystery in Space 70
- Strange Adventures 231 (Jul./Aug. 1971) "The Challenge of the
Crystal Conquerors" Reprint Mystery in Space 71
- Strange Adventures 232 (Sep./Oct. 1971) "The Multiple Menace
Weapon" Reprint Mystery in Space 72
- Strange Adventures 233 (Nov./Dec. 1971) "The Invisible Invaders
of Rann" Reprint Mystery in Space 73
- Strange Adventures 234 (Jan./Feb. 1972) "The Spaceman who Fought
Himself" Reprint of Mystery in Space 74
- Strange Adventures 235 (Mar./Apr. 1972) "The Planet That Came to a
Standstill" Reprint of Mystery in Space 75
- Strange Adventures 236 (May/Jun. 1972) "Challenge of the Rival
Starman" Reprint of Mystery in Space 76
- Strange Adventures 237 (Jul./Aug. 1972) "Ray Gun In The Sky"
Reprint Mystery in Space 77
- Strange Adventures 238 (Sep./Oct. 1972) "Shadow People of the Eclipse"
Reprint Mystery in Space 78
- Strange Adventures 239 (Nov./Dec. 1972) "The Metal Conqueror of
Rann" Reprint Mystery in Space 79
- Strange Adventures 240 (Jan./Feb. 1973) "The Deadly Shadows of Adam
Strange" Reprint Mystery in Space 80
- Strange Adventures 241 (Mar./Apr. 1973) "The Cloud Creature That
Menaced Two Worlds" Reprint Mystery in Space 81
- Strange Adventures 242 (Jun./Jul. 1973) "World War on Earth and
Rann" Reprint Mystery in Space 82
- Strange Adventures 243 (Aug./Sep. 1973) "The Emotion-Master of Space"
Reprint Mystery in Space 83
- Strange Adventures 244 (Oct./Nov. 1973) "The Powerless Weapons of Adam
Strange" Reprint Mystery in Space 84
- SUPER DC CALENDER 1976 (lists Adam's Birthday (December 3), and his wedding anniversary of September 14.)
- Superboy and the Ravers 3 (Nov. 1996) "House Rules Part III: Illegal Aliens"
- Superboy and the Ravers 4 (Dec. 1996) "House Rules Part IV: Political Party"
- Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files #1 (Aug. 2001)"The Eighth Day"
- Superman: The Man of Steel #115 (Aug. 2001)"Metropolitan Rapture"
- Superman: The Man of Steel #116 (Sep. 2001)"Chest Deep In Heroes' Blood"
- Swamp Thing 46 (Mar. 1986) "Revelations" Adam Strange cameo
- Swamp Thing 57 (Feb. 1987) "Mysteries In Space"
- Swamp Thing 58 (Mar. 1987) "Exiles"
- Swamp Thing 61 (Jun. 1987) "All Flesh is Grass" Adam Strange two page cameo
- Swamp Thing 84 (Mar. 1989) "Final Payment" no Swamp Thing. Adam Strange appearance.
- Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe 1 (Mar. 1985)
- Who's Who 12 (Feb. 1986) Featuring Kanjor Ro
- Who's Who 6 (Jan. 1991)
- World's Finest Comics 262 (May 1980) "The Ghost of Adam Strange"
Hawkman Story
- World's Finest Comics 263 (Jul. 1980) "Zeta-Death" Adam Strange
Solo Adventure
- World's Finest Comics 264 (Sep. 1980) "Alone" Hawkman Story
With Cameo of Adam Strange
- Zero Hour 0 (Sep. 1994) "Zero Hour" Cameo in Timeline in back of
- Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Trade Paperback (Dec. 1994)
[Adam Strange]
[Star Trek]
[Star Wars]
[A Little About Me]
[Computer Links]
[My Resume]
Adam Strange is a Registered Trademark of DC Comics, a
subsidiary of AOL Time Warner. All information on this site
is for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
Last Updated on Wednesday, March 18, 2007 by eriktice,
I am also aware Adam Strange is currently appearing in Infinite Crisis and the 52 weekly series. Not yet sure how I will catalog that yet.
Thanks to Robert F. Lambert for all of his help. You can email him at
about this page.
Also, thanks to Mark Cannon for his help as well.
Email him at
if you wish.
Thanks to Todd VerBeek for his help with DC Challenge! Section. Email him
Featured Comic Link of the DC Fanzine.
Visit them today.
1. MicroComics Inc., PO Box 243, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 (1-800-666-4054) has
announced plans to release the Showcase run (1-106) on microfiche at, I
believe $39.95 per every 5 or 10 issues (ie, 16-20 or 11-20). An email
message I received recently (9-13-96, says:
"we are taking reservations for it when available".
2. There are a large number of foreign reprints available. Overstreet's
Comic Book Price Guide, 23rd edition, suggests arranging for trades with
foreign collectors for these mags. I've yet to determine how to locate these
listings or arrange a trade agreement with anyone, however.
3. Gemstone has its own web site at, although it's currently under construction.
(Find your latest Overstreet Monthly here.)
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