AeroScale Collectibles

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THE SOURCE for the Highest Quality Handmade and Hand painted Aircraft Models



We are now on our 36th year as a producer and global exporter of quality handcrafted wood products.

Starting last year (1998) we have made our line of collectible-quality scale models available through the Internet.

Order DIRECT and SAVE!


Our custom models cost only as much or even less than some of the off the shelf variety.

You get the model that YOU want , painted the way you want it at a surprisingly low cost !

Your order is custom made to your specifications - You can choose standard markings from our vast library or any special markings, logo, or paint design to make your model truly one of a kind and meaningful to you.

Feel the pride of ownership in being able to say:

THAT is my plane!





  • Confused by the variety of models on the web ?

Here is a short guide to enlighten you on the differences between the models

  • Can't find the model you have been wanting to have?

AeroScale can make ANY aircraft in ANY quantity. 

  • Looking for finely crafted, authentic custom models for your collection?

AeroScale will make YOUR model according to YOUR specs





Our LIMITED number of our premium off the shelf models will be available shortly for shipment from the USA.

Our MODEL LIST is now available here

We will start shipping orders on December 18.

To reserve your aircraft please send us email stating the aircraft and the quantity desired.


As a service to our visitors and clients, we are offering for sale two of the best aviation books we have ever used. Quantities are very limited so act now !

We are down to the last few copies of these books. Reserve Now !


We put up this page to showcase both our products and and Philippine craftsmanship.

We also want to include some interesting facts and other information that would be of interest to those whose interests lie in aviation. 

So please come in and look around. The game plan is for us to put something new in the tidbits and freebies section every week so you just might find something of interest to you.

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ATTENTION AIRPLANE CLUBS and ASSOCIATIONS - Give away these scale models as trophies during your Awards meetings.

We make trophies with a wider base to make room for the Citation Plaque. (slightly higher prices depending on additional materials only)

E-MAIL us your specifications and requirements

Webmasters and Web Site owners - We have special offers for aviation related website owners. Send us email for more details.

Our technical library contains thousands of pictures and specifications of aircraft manufactured in the past 50 years which helps us produce true-to-scale models faithful to the dimensions and proportion of the actual aircraft.

Being collectors and aviation enthusiasts ourselves, we understand what our customers want and go out of our way to fulfill their wishes and insist that our models be as accurate as possible.


ORDER NOW for yourself or as a gift to friends and family.


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This page was last updated on Sunday, December 12, 1999 01:09:05 PM



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