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The materials contained here are provided by the grace of God.

In all humility, they are presented in hope that you may be enlightened and that your relationship with God and Jesus Christ may deepen as time goes by.

May God bless you richly as you live in obedience to His will.
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Copyrighted (c) 2002 Food4deSoul.  All rights reserved.
Last Update:
17 February 2002
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"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
(1 John 4:7)
A Note from the Editor

The Chinese New Year has arrived and we wish all Chinese readers and Happy Chinese New Year.  May this year be used by God to lead you to greater heights in knowing Him better and in experiencing His presence in your life.  Nothing can be better than seeing God work in you, allowing the Spirit to transform your life to the one that God can use.

Enjoy your learning pursuits as you strive to please the Lord in your life.
New Services for YOU!
These specially selected messages are brought to you in hope that it will inspire your growth in the Lord.  Send us your suggestion of a topic that you would like to read.

Love, Not Judge give us a new perspective of living purposefully.  NEW!
Judge Not But Have Grace takes a candid look at our selfish nature of being judgemental and how we need to live with grace.  
Temptation - The Real Issue
shows us how wrong we may be in this matter.  It takes us to how God sees this to help us renew our faith in Him.
Persistence in Prayer and Accept God's Answer
gives a fresh look at what it means to persist in prayer and the discretion that God has in our petition to Him.
Experience God through Obedience
takes a practical look at how we can grow in our relationship with God as we learn to obey what we know of His will as we live.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
shows how to handle trouble in our lives and what it really means to know Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life.


A merry heart doeth good like medicine.  Often times, we need to take a look at the lighter side of life to stay in touch with ourselves and remain young and health


If Heaven ever had a voice mail
takes us into an imaginary situation when we pray and find ourselves face-to-face with a voice mail.
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Part of our living requires us to glean from the wise writings of people.  These words of wisdom encourage us to become wiser.


7 UPs shows us a list on how to live it up!   NEW!!
Momentary Reminder teaches us a practical view to value our time.   NEW!!
That's God reminds us of those moments in life where God was there.  NEW!!
I've Learnt is a list of things that a wise man learnt in life.  NEW!!
What God Will Ask Of You tells us how God will view our busy life.  NEW!!

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Many a times, we can be encouraged by a real life story we read.  The experiences by other people serve as an example to us to learn from.

The Tablecloth is a true story of the reunion of the year.   NEW!!
Dreams is a real life story to encourage us to pursue our dreams.   NEW!!
1000 Marbles recalls how a man valued his life to help us live.   NEW!!
Keeping Priorities is a lesson from a philosophy professor.   NEW!!
MORE ...

Special Messages
Lighter Side of Life
Words of Wisdom
Stories to Encourage
Things in Plan
Who We Are