Copyrighted (c) 2001 Food4deSoul.  All rights reserved.
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If a child lives with criticism...
He learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility...
He learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule...
He learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame...
He learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance...
He learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement...
He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise...
He learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness...
He learns justice.

If a child lives with security...
He learns to trust in himself and others.

If a child lives with honesty...
He learns what truth is.

If a child lives with approval...
He learns to like himself.

If a child lives with acceptance and love...
He learns to find love in the world.

If a child lives with godliness...
He learns what abundant life is.

If a child lives with God's Word...
He learns the truth to be set free.

Special Messages
Lighter Side of Life
Words of Wisdom
Stories to Encourage
Things in Plan
Who We Are