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June 11, 2000








Your World, Your Games


-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

System: Dreamcast                                    
Release: OUT NOW!
Price: $49.99
Online: No
Overall Score: 9.9

 Ah! A new game spinning in my Dreamcast...beautiful isn't it? The smell...the sound...the tingling feel you get as the white Dreamcast startup screen appears. Yes folks, this is it, Tony Hawk on Dreamcast.

 I must say, I have NEVER spent a 50 more wisely, and I have NEVER had this much fun with a game since my 3 month addiction to Crazy Taxi. This is the kind of game that calls your name. It calls your name when you're at work. It calls your name when you're eating supper. And yes, even when you're grunting on the John. It almost wants you as much as you want it. Don't fight the temptation. Go with it. Trust me.

 If you have ever played Tony Hawk before, you know what I mean. It's almost amazing. If not breathtaking. Though the Dreamcast version, for some strange reason, has twice (if not three times) the "addictivity". Why? I'll explain.

 I first played Tony on my friend Robert's (from Playstation. Even then I pronounced the game my favorite of all time. The graphics were cutting edge (well, for Playstation at least), and the gameplay was so "pick-up-and-play" that I had no problem busting trick after trick on even my first run! It almost feels to easy...but far from it. 

 With the Dreamcast version, the graphics are simply astonishing! At least 3 times crisper, clearer, and damn more beautiful. The shadows are about the best I personally have ever seen on a console game, much less a port. Also, an added feature to the DC version was "blood". I love that! When you bleed. Simple as that. The graphics...amazing.

 As I mentioned earlier, it's a "pick-up-and-play" game which means ALL can play it. Everyone from your girlfriend, to her son, to your grandpa, and even your dad! Now that's amazing! It's real easy to learn the tricks and controls. The DC controller adds a little more. It's plain...BETTER. You don't even have to like skating! I love skating, and so do SOME of my friends...but even my dad loves this game! See what I mean?

 The idea of Tony Hawk is to select a skater (out of around 10) and a board. You set out in a real time skate boardin' environment and have to collect tapes. You collect tapes for doing certain missions which they explain during the loading screen. Whether it be knocking down 5 piles of boxes, to collecting letters to spell S-K-A-T-E. You will also notice that the levels seem to get harder and harder as the game progresses and you will unlock new skaters, skateparks, and skateboards along the way. 

 The thing I love is the "Free Skate" mode. After you have unlocked a certain level, you can then skate freely there with NO time limit! And while so- if you can see it, you can grind it, jump over it, or smash into it. I love that! 

 The sound? IT ROCKS! With ear blowing ska/punk music from Goldfinger, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, and Primus this music keeps you busting out 720° after 720°. Every skater has their own moves...even Tony's famous 900°! Ahh! I'm in skate heaven!

 Simple as this. BUY THIS GAME! You won't be sorry! And if you can shoot me...REALLY. I know you'll love this puppy. I can promise you. So go out, and buy, steal or borrow this game! trust me.

Replay Value - 10 - This game will have you coming back over and over! It'll have you skipping school, quitting jobs, and skipping church just to play "one more level". This is awesome!

Graphics - 9 - Still a leap, kick and a punch over the outings on PS and N64, Tony Hawk ain't perfect. Even for Dreamcast. It's still pretty damned amazing. And one of the prettiest on any console...EVER! That's a fact. Oh, I LOVE the shadows!

Sound - 9 - Bangin' ska/punk bands everytime you pop in the game! The songs never get repetitive and they rule! Even if you have punk, they still rule! And they're catchy too!   

Overall - 9.9 - It's an awesome game. If you for some reason don't like this game after at least giving it a mental help ASAP. You need it!

- Jake "SegaDCStar" Wulff, GSN Dreamcast -


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