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 National History

    Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia was founded on October 6th, 1898 at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass.  There a group of thirteen young men were guided by the first honorary member and First Supreme President, Ossian E. Mills. These select men created purposes that to this day guide Sinfonians around the world to strive for the best in their performance of music and manhood. Sinfonia became a national fraternity on October 6, 1900, with the admission of a group of men at the Broad Street Conservatory in Philadelphia. Since that time Sinfonia has grown into the largest music fraternity in the world, with more than 140,000 initiates, and chapters on over 200 college and university campuses across the nation.

For over 103 years, Sinfonia is still growing and there are no signs of it stopping. For more information and writings on the history of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, visit http://www.sinfonia.org.


Gamma Delta History
A look at the traditions of Gamma Delta

    The Gamma Delta chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia was founded when the Murray Men's Music Club wrote a check to become a chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and this check bounced. The men decided to create a show called, Campus Lights. Just by the success with which it earned that first year(1938) the men of Gamma Delta decided to make it an annual show. The first performance for Campus Lights was held on April 19th, 1938. The proceeds went to pay for the bounced check to the National Fraternity and then the Gamma Delta Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia was born on May 15th, 1938.

    During the years of 1944-1945, Campus Lights was dubbed "Campus Dim-out" due to the men of Gamma Delta serving America in WWII. The name "Dim-out" was given due to the conservation of electricity. The women Sigma Alpha Iota took over the production of Campus Lights and the show went on. Now in its 67th year the brothers and sisters jointly do this production. Every year the students of Murray State University produce, direct, perform in and often time write the production of the year.

    This year celebrates the 67th year. This years production is entitled "South Pacific". As usual the performances will be held in the historic Lovett Auditorium. Click here for more details.

    The Gamma Delta Chapter has had many different chapter rooms in it's existence here on the campus of Murray State. The original Chapter Room was in room 26 of Lovett Auditorium. It was there from 1938 until 1945 when it was moved to a room adjacent to the "Dungeon" on the first floor of Old Fine Arts. In 1993 it was moved to the former Westside Baptist Church until the Spring Semester of 1998 when the newest chapter room was renovated. The new chapter room is located in the basement of Lovett in the old Campus Lights storage room.

    Gamma Delta is the home of over 1,000 Sinfonians around the United States. With the newest additions to Gamma Delta the total membership topped 1,100 (Active and Alumni).


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