Teacher Pages

The Process

    Now that you've accepted the task of recreating one of America's most intersting historical stories, its time to see exactly how you need to do it. 

Step #1

    Before you can truly jump back into time and become an immigrant you'll need to learn a bit more about who the people were and why they made the move to America.

Step #2

    Now that you've gotten a better idea on who the immigrants were and why they were leaving their respective countries its time for you to learn a little more about their journey and what is was like to finally reach Ellis Island! 
Step #3

Next you will need to dig a little deeper into the life of the immigrants.  But instead of observing what the trip was like or why the came here, you need to find out what you are going to do now that you've become an American!
Step #4

    We've finally made it!  You have endured the long and hard journey that millions of people faced in order to start new lives.  Now it is time for you to think about one last aspect of immigration before you complete your journey.

    Now that you have completed the journey and gathered tons of vital information its time to organize it all and begin writing your first person account of the trip.  Remember you will have a written version and then you will present your story to the class.  In my opinion it is best to organize your information directly inline with the 4 steps that you've just completed.  The steps were designed to work you through the story from start to finish.  Remember to be creative and use as much detail as possible.  The requirements for the paper are found in the following link Paper Instructions.  I will discuss due dates, and presentation dates at a later time.  Be sure to move onto the evaluation page to see the grading rubric for the entire project.


Top    Introduction    Task    Process    Evaluation    Conclusion    Teacher Pages