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VSEN                                                                Score: 6/10

Comments: Play virtual stock games. You are given $100,000 virtual dollars to play the game and each $1,000,000 virtual dollars can be traded in for $100 in actual cash. Quite a new company.

Spedia                                                               Score: 7/10

Comments: Play games and earn points which can be redeemed for money. Games available are puzzle, slot machine,tetris,money finder, F16, poker,load runner, solitaire, treasure map etc. The Spedia Games allow you to earn from 1 up to 10,000 points. There're a wide variety of games avalaible in Spedia and some of them are really FUN to play!

Giant Rewards                                                  Score: 7/10

Comments: Immediately get $5 in your account once you have signed up. 
By playing Jackpot Progressive or Video Poker, you have a chance win up to $10,000 INSTANTLY! A very nice company with great customer service.

Cash Active                                                       Score: 6/10

Comments: They are still new in get paid to play games program. Only slot machine is available now but they promise more games are on their way very shortly! The new Point to Cash ratio is: 1000 ActivePoints = $1.00(USD). Get 1000 FunPoints when you sign up. Things are looking quite good with this company.

Iwin                                                                    Score: 8/10

Comments: A popular game site with over 35 games like Blackjack, solitare, poker, gin rummy, slots etc. They pay you in "icoins" that you can trade for entries in drawings for cash and prizes. One of the most popular games sites.

Speedy Click                                                    Score: 8/10

Comments: is the best site on the Web for fun interactive games and contests ! You can even register for a chance to win  $50,000.  It's really that simple, enter contests have fun, Money & Prizes ... and it's FREE and FUN! Great site, great program, great games!

Win Dough                                                       Score: 7/10

Comments: I really like the idea of WinDough. Here's how it works: Simply click on the WinDough banner if it reads "You Win!" and bears the WinDough logo.  If you do so in 30 seconds from the time the banner is dealt, you will win $500,000 in cash or one of over 3000 other prizes! What I like about it is that it works AUTOMATICALLY, while you work or surf the web! 

Join Prizes                                                         Score: 5/10

Comments: JoinPrizesTM is a $1,000,000 daily sweepstakes. Three games are available now: A daily lotto ( win from $.10 to $1,000,000) , Instant win scratch it tickets and a slot game ( win from $.80 to $100 a spin). On top of that, they'll give you 100 ($1) JoinPoints for each of your active direct referrals and 10JPs for indirect referrals up to 5 levels deep.
(*please use my ID 1334 when asked if You were referred by someone)

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