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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

Welcome to the worst charecter guide... ever!!! It's no joke, it really is. I've made a whole new one, but you have to wait till August 9, 2002 to see it. It's got over 100 charecters, pics for each one, and more info than these ones. It also contain thier Hiar color, parents, place of birth, species, and what they appear in. So, if it's like August 8, 2002, then come back tommorow. I put this up July 31, 2002, so it's pretty close. Just wait... please. But, we do have some charecters here if you want to read about them. Enjoy... even though it sucks.

Z Fighters

Goku- Son Goku is the main character in the entire Dragonball series. In the begining of DBZ, he learns he is from an alien race called Saiyans. He then fights to save the Earth against the villans of the universe.

Gohan- Gohan is the son of Goku. Even as a child he had a extremly large power level. He later becomes the first Super Sayian 2. Even later on, he marries Videl and has a daughter named Pan. Gohan is, in my opion, the best charecter in DBZ/Gt.

Piccolo- Piccolo was actually a bad guy in Dragonball and for a little bit in DBZ, but after traing Gohan he becomes good. Piccolo is Namekian from the planet Namek, makes sense. He has the abillity to regenerate limbs and to grow, although he almost never does.

Vegeta- Vegeta was a prince of his home planet, Vegeta, untill Freiza blew it up. He later went to Earth in search of the Dragonballs, and had to fight the Z fighters. He would have won, if Goku hadn't of shown up. He later became one of the good guys.

Krillen- Krillen is Goku's best friend. They've know each other since Dragonball. He isn't as strong as the others, and he usally gets hurt early on. He's always there though, and usally supplies the Senzu Beans.

Yamcha- Yamcha is probally the weakest Z fighter. He dated Bulma for awhile, but they broke up after her and, you know. Yamcha was the first to fight when the saiyans arrived, but died when a Saibaman self destructed.

Tien- Tien is Chautzu's body guard. He has three eyes and can split into three people. He gets really strong in the Trunks saga for some reason, or at least looks really strong. His speicial attack is Tri Beam Cannon. Tien is the tall one.

Trunks- Trunks is a warrior from the future. He came back to try and prevent Goku's future from turning out like his. He is the son of Bulma and Vegeta. He learned to go Super Saiyan at a very early age, but that's not enough. So, he has to train with his father and try and protect the future.

Chauzu- Chauzu is the empeor (I haven't seen all of Dragonball). He tries to help fight, but mostly just gets in the way. So after awhile, he just doesn't fight at all.

Goten- Goten is the son Goku never knew. Goku and Chichi, they, well, they, you know. So after Goku died, Goten was born. He is the youngest Super Saiyan. Goten is happy a lot, and seems like he doesn't have a care in the world most of the time.


Chichi- Chichi is the mother of Gohan and Goten and the wife of Goku. She gets angry a lot and says Gohan's studyies come first, even before saving the world. She used to fight and even enterd the Marital Arts Tournement once.

Bulma- Bulma is the first person Goku meets in the Dragonball series. She is a genius and her family owns Capusle Corp., so she has a lot of money. She is also the mother of Trunks and Bra and the wife of Vegeta.

Kami- Kami is the creator of the Earth's first set of Dragonballs. He later defused creating King Piccollo. They were then linked, so if one died, the other did too. And if Kami died, the Dragonballs were gone.

Denda- Denda is a Namek who was rescued from Freeza's henchman in the Namek saga by Gohan and Krillen. He later bacame friends with Gohan and Krillen. And even later into the series, became the gardian of the Earth, and made a whole new set of Dragonballs.

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