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Adorable Bunnies


How Deep is YOUR Love

Have you ever thought of what life "behind bars" must be like for someone? Have you ever cared? Did you think,
"They wouldn't be there if they didn't deserve to be there." Or maybe,
"What should I care, I have a family of my own to worry about" Or maybe,
"I feel terrible, but what can I do?"

Well, let me tell you, an hour or so out of your day may not seem much to you, but to someone who IS behind bars, it could mean more then we could ever know! Imagine your Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Aunt, Uncle, cousin, bestfriend, anyone, being in prison, being without any outside contact what-so-ever!
Tell me you don't care!
Tell me you are too busy to care!
Tell me they deserve to be cut off from the rest of the world!

Before you dare tell me such a thing, take a moment to think about it.

I used to tell my son,
"If you get in any trouble with the Law, don't think for one minute that I will be there for you. You will be on your own pal!"

That's because I was trying to scare him, keep him on the "right track". In all honesty, I can't seriously say I'd never be there for my son. I'd hate to see him end up in jail, but it can happen to anyone! You know the phrase "In the wrong place at the wrong time"...It CAN happen to any one of us! Don't be so quick to judge someone. You don't know their situation.

Ok, a little about why I've decided to add this page.... For the last few months, I have been writing to a very special lady who is in prison. I am not going to say too much, other then, this has been one of the BEST and MOST REWARDING experiences of my life! This lady has become very special to me, and I can't wait until I meet her! Oh yes, I am so looking forward to that day! To be honest, I don't care about what she did to get herself into prison, although I do know the story, and I know it's the truth..anyhow.. I try not to judge people. This lady made a stupid mistake, and she is paying for it. Why should I be so cruel as to judge her, hold it against her? She's learned her lesson, the hard she deserves another chance! And so do so many others!!

I am only one person, and I can't possibly write to all the inmates! I made my commitment to my one friend, and now that I am working full-time, I can't possibly commit to others. You better believe, if I find my job slacking, I won't hesitate to write to others!

I am hoping I can find people who think a lot like I do, people who can commit themselves to brightening someone's day with a letter once a month or so. (*these inmates DO NOT have access to computers, so we are talking regular postal service mail) I do ask that if you can't commit yourself to writing on a regular basis, that you PLEASE don't even bother to start! These people NEED a friend, they NEED someone they can count on to write on a regular basis, regardless of what is happening in their lives. When you write to an inmate, it should be a commitment. Don't do it today because you are tounched and you feel something, then tomorrow wake up and decide you are too busy afterall. Think good and hard about it. You can hurt these people so easily, so quickly, if you all of a sudden stopped writing them.

There are many inmates who have nobody to care enough to write to them. I care! I care enough to write, and I care enough to do this page in hopes of helping even one person receive a letter! Actions speak louder then words, if you care, show you care! Pick up a pen, some paper, write a letter!

Any younger people who read this and want to help, please, please, please, ask your parents first!!!

I have eight ladies on my list now! They love my idea of doing this page for them, so please, make it ALL worthwhile, WRITE to someone!

Thank you in advance for helping. *smile*

Here are some thoughts from a friend who knows how these people feel. Enjoy!

Running people,
fast moving cars,
strangers suddenly appear and vanish with the same speed into non-existence,
and I'm lonely.

Walking trough overcrowded streets,
seeing all the pride and joy,
watching people,
and I'm lonely.

Being with friends,
hearing their laughs,
listening to their stories,
but I'm lonely.

Sitting in the park,
watching the pigeons getting fed by children,
watching dads playing with their sons,
and I'm lonely.

Sitting in my room,
writing a letter to a stranger,
thinking of what my life is missing,
standing on the table, taking my last step.

I was lonely,
not anymore...

What you are for me...

Like a bright lit star in the dark sky,

Like a bird singing in the silence of the night,

Like a prayer in a cruel world,

Like a sunbeam on a cloudy afternoon,

Like a comet in the emptiness of outerspace,

Like a shelter on a cold and rainy day,

Like a flower blooming in the desert,

Like a dream in a empty world,

Like a laugh in a sad moment,

That's what you are for me...

Ok NetBunny, Show me the list of Pals!
Hey, I have someone you can ADD to the list!


Where to now?

E-mail NetBunny!

E-mail NetBunny here! 


Write at your own risk! I can not be
held responsible for the outcome!
Last updated Nov-15-00
Created Sept-28-98


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