
Thank you Charlie of MMC for the bootiful frame

Hi!! I'm Spooky the eldest 11,and Spokescat.I started life as a stray.I was born in April at 2 months I wondered off. I was very sick respitory infection.My mom saw some mean guys throwing plastic cups at me,because I was a "black cat".Being too sick to run away I just sat there.Mom who loves Black cats,ran to my rescue.
Of course I was rushed to Dr. Ed Mimnaugh given medicine,appointments made for neutering at 6 months etc. I loved my new home.I was a terror. I loved to play Tarzan on lace curtains,eat with my hands and lay upside down to drink.There were tow other Kitties Popcorn and Kitty both deceased now.A dog Coco who I tormented till his death. He lost an eye so whenever I'd look at him I'd close one of mine. It really irked him and a chase would ensue.Now I'm the oldest still my moms favorite.But we have another dog a Boston and she scares me.I love to go out in the garden.You`ll meet the others later.We cats spend a lot of time with Dad mainly because we're men `cept Simba Nela.We do men thing lounge around listen to Dad play the exotic sitar. Makes me feel like a King. Oh well gotta go.I hear a can of trout . Bub bye!!!

I adopted my pet from WWSS
WWSS - Woodro & Wendy's Syber-Shelter

I adopted my pet from WWSS

I am a member of the Claw FBI and Group leader for animal abuse. I am extreamly proud.

Spooky passed away in his sleep, Peacfully January 29,200

Spooky memorial

Moochie|Simba|NelaClaw page|Puma

Spooky's Scratch PaD!
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Vaccinate Your Cat
Always take in a stray

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