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Timothy Ray Arnold

Hi! I am Timothy R. Arnold, the fith child of Ula E. Arnold and Kattie B. Bolen/Arnold. I am also the creator and author of this web site, and the only person who can be blamed for any error's or mistakes. If you feel that an error or mistake was made, contact me.

I was born July 1950, in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona at the Southside General Hospital. We left Arizona in 1952 or 1953 and moved to Chicago, Il. In 1954 we moved to Wanachee, Washington and stayed there for almost 2 years, at which time we moved back to Chicago, Il. Even in the city we moved around quite a bit and lived in some pretty rough neighborhoods. I was a gang member, but nothing compared to the gangs today. We got in a little minor trouble (mainly drinking and curfew) but never anything major. We talk the talk, but could not walk the walk, if you know what I mean. Really we were a group of about ten boys who went to school together and hung out. From the age of 12 to 15 I had a paper route in the city and never missed but maybe two or three days in that time. And let me tell you the winters in Chicago are cold. The worse weather I have ever been exposed to and I've been to some mighty cold places. I went to 4 different grade schools and one high school. I dropped out of high school when I was in the ninth grade at the age of 15. I tried several times to go back with no success. School had just become to boring. Plus I wanted to go to work and make some money. You had to be 16 to work in a factory, but most only paid minimum wage ($1.25 per hour) and did not even check your age as long as you told them on the application you were 16. I held several jobs over the next year and a half and when I turned 17 I joined the United States Marine Corps.

Here I was 17 years old and weighing 107 lbs soaking wet and on my way to Marine Corps Boot Camp. I ate about a dozen bananna's that morning and did not go to the bathroom just so I could meet the minimum weight requirement. Anyway, I spent 9 years in the Marine Corps and got out. I remained out for about 1 1/2 years and then I joined the U.S. Army, where I completed 11 more years and retired.

Some of the best boyhood memories I can remember is going to Grandpa and Grandma Bolen's farm in Michigan, and going fishing with my dad and Uncle Willard Tyria. We went fishing almost every weekend that I can remember, and even stayed on the riverbanks a couple of times. Also were the times in Washington State during the winter months. Sliding down them mountainside's and icy roads (we were not supposed to play on the roads). Although very young back then I can remember all 6 (Pam was either not born yet or to small to be with us) of us kids trying to go down the icy road on 1 sled. Well to make a long story short, I was the last one on and we were really going down that road fast, when we hit a piece of gravel. We all went flying, but I was catapulted over everyone else and came down on the top of my head. I needed stitches, but there was no way mom or dad could get me to a doctor with the road conditions, so mom got out her sewing basket. I will leave the rest of the story to your own imigination on what came next.. Although I was only four or five years old when we were in Washington I can remember the trip there, and just about everything from then on.

For more stories go to my sister's Homepage, where there are more stories of us kids growing up and some Family Recipe's.

I married Vicki Rae Hershman in June of 1970 at the age of nineteen. I had already served my tour of duty in Vietnam and was ready to settle down and start raising a family. Although Vicki and I only new each other about four months we have now been together for 29 years. We have two natural born children and one adopted daughter, and 5 grand children.

I am now semi retired and living in Earlington, Kentucky about 15 miles from mom and dad. Enjoying fishing, small town life, and believe it or not a low cost of living.

No more big city life for this Country Boy.

Site Index

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About The Arnold's

About Me

My Immediate Family

About Ula Arnold

Arnold Tree Pg. 1

Tree Pg. 2

Brother's and Sister's

50th Anniversary

The King

Britons or Britains?

About The Bolen's/Bolin's/Bolling's

Bolling Tree

Rebecca Matoaks
aka "Pocahontas"

About The Hershman's/Hirschmann's

Hershman Family Tree



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