The Adventures of D.T.,
The Traveling Bear


  1. Oshkosh, NE
  2. Southington, CT
  3. Waite Park, MN
  4. "Bright Beginning" (Aberdeen, SD)
  5. Canada
  6. "Imagination Station" RFH (Benbrook, TX)
  7. Silverdale, WA
  8. Fairchild AFB, WA
  9. Canada

Fourth Stop:

"Bright Beginning"
Aberdeen, South Dakota

D.T. arrived in Aberdeen, SD on Wednesday, February 18th.  He arrived late in the afternoon so he didn't get to meet the kids at Bright Beginning until the next day.  The kids were so excited to see him.  We had been talking about him for several weeks and the anticipation had grown.  D.T. took part in all of our preschool and daycare activities.  He had his
picture taken with the group and with each child individually.  The kids took the pictures home to show their families.  He ended his stay in a very quiet daycare.  The majority of the children came down with the flu and daycare was closed on the last two days of his stay.  D.T. left Aberdeen on February 28th.  We sure have missed him!

-- Submitted by Shelly of "Bright Beginning"

Fifth Stop:


D.T. arrived at Laura's full of vim and vigor in March. After trips to the library, a drop-in centre and visiting other friends, D.T. was ready to have some quiet play with the kids at Laura's home.  Luckily for D.T. Laura had a new dryer delivered and we instantly made a playhouse from the box!  The kids made little rooms for all of the stuffed animals and D.T. even helped decorate it!  And so he wouldn't get lonely on his trips, we bought him a Beanie baby named Seaweed.  She's an otter.  They became instant best friends and couldn't wait to travel on to their next home to visit!

-- Submitted by Laura

Sixth Stop:

"Imagination Station" RFH
Benbrook, Texas

D.T. had a v-e-r-y eventful week with us at Imagination Station RFH. We introduced him to everyone on Monday morning at circle time. Then we began our weekly theme on Bears. Later that day we signed up to see who would get
to host D.T.'s sleepover each night. He went home with each of the kids and we took lots of pictures of D.T. at baseball practice, library, dinner, park, and at church. We made a huge cave for D.T. out of a tv box and that's where he slept at naptime. We learned sooo much about bears that we hope we'll get to host another traveling friend soon. On Friday we shopped for a Texas pin for his vest and found two really great books to pack as souveniers. We want to give a cyber-"bear" hug to Roxanne and her family for all the time and effort it took to get our friends ready for the trip.

-- Submitted by Tracy of "Imagination Station" RFH

Eighth Stop:

Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington

I went to Kindergarten with Jana's son Joshua my first day here. I rode the yellow school bus and visited with the class.  I went to swimming lessons, but watched from the sides because I didn't want to get my fur wet.  I spent the night with all the kids.  We had a teddy bear tea party.  We went to the daycare office to show me off to them.  We went
shopping for a pin to put on my jacket.  I saw lots of planes at Fairchild AFB -- they have a museum there.  We went to story time and I wore my seatbelt in the van.   While I was here I earned a "Good Conduct" award, and I am now wearing the official Air Force medal!!!

-- Submitted by D.T. 

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Last Updated:5/17/98
For more information contact Bobbi Florence