
A Home Away From Home:
The Guest Room

Meet Our Traveling Friends!

Harvey, Cuddles, Hugs, Cinnabear, and D.T. are stuffed animals which are traveling to different child care homes around the world. They belong to a member of the Daycare-L e-mail list and are circulating among members of that list.

Each animal spends 1 - 2 weeks with its host daycare, learning about the people and area. The daycare provider contributes to the animal's journal, recording its adventures with the children. Each child care is encouraged to add small souvenirs from their area to the animal's souvenir bag, and to put a couple of pictures in the enclosed photo album. Other activities are included in the traveling friend's "suitcase" to further enhance the children's fun and learning experience.

Those daycare homes which are participating can follow the friends' adventures via e-mail. Many are plotting the travels of one or more of the friends on a map.

A big thank you to Roxanne (the animals' mommy and travel agent), who prepared our friends for their journey and organized the whole project!

Traveling Friends

Traveling Friends (Front: Harvey. Back, L to R: Cuddles,
Hugs, Cinnabear, D.T.) at home in Great Falls, Montana,
preparing to leave on their adventures January 2, 1998.

Find out more about each animal's adventures:

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Last Updated:5/17/98
For more information contact Bobbi Florence bobbi@inwave.com